Changed - Added retry logic to stream_resource to handle failed chunk downloads with a configurable number of attempts and error handling. - Commented out in the code all endpoints that are not yet functioning.
Changed - Use custom issue and pull request templates in this repository - Remove old code once used for downloading data from Ensembl Fixed - Do not include `[success]` lines in the streamed outfiles: genes, transcripts and exons
Changed - Do not download duplicated lines from Ensembl BioMart - Update Python version to v3.12 in Dockerfile - Update Python version in pyproject.toml Fixed - Download data from Ensembl BioMart chromosome-wise, to avoid missing exons, for instance (see issue 74)
Fixed - Some exons are missing when downloading build 38 data using Ensembl v.113 (Oct 2024). Using v.112 (May 2024) until the problem is fixed. Build 37 not affected.
Fixed - Security issue related to starlette version by updating fastapi, starlette and some dependencies - Updated urlib to v.2.2.3 to address the `urllib3's Proxy-Authorization request header isn't stripped during cross-origin redirects` issue - Updated certifi to v.2024.7.4 to address the `Certifi removes GLOBALTRUST root certificate` issue
Changed - Updated a number of libraries to address security alerts