User changes
- Expose a global function called [color()](Docs link here)
- Added global functions `bounding_box(x, y, w, h)`, `collided(bb1, bb2)`, and `axis_overlapping(point1, length1, point2, length2)`
- Return type of `bounding_box` is a tuple, and `collided` can accept either a 4-element tuple or a 4-element list in lieu of a bounding box
- Added global function `image(file_name, x, y, w, h)`
- **WARNING**: Image sizes should NOT change over time. Results will be very laggy if you do!
- Added `fill_square(x, y, length)` and `stroke_square(x, y, length)`
- Added `key_held(string)` (acts similar to `keys_held(*strings)`)
Developer changes
- Added snek game as example under `exercises`