First release of scikit-cycling.
* Rider allows to store and easily manipulate power data of a cyclist. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* datasets.load_fit and datasets.load_rider provides datasets for .fit files and internal rider files, respectively. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* extraction.activity_power_profile allows to extract the power-profile of an activity. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* extraction.acceleration, extraction.gradient_elevation, and extraction.gradient_heart_rate allows to extract the gradient of the speed, elevation, and the heart-rate. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* extraction.gradient_activity allows to compute the gradient for all available data for a given period. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* bikeread implement a common interface to read bike files. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* metrics.std_dev_squared_error computes the standard deviation of the squared error when dealing with regression. By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* metrics.aerobic_meta_model computes the aerobic model (MPA mainly). By Guillaume Lemaitre.
* strava_power_model implements the method used in Strava for the prediction of power from GPS data. By Guillaume Lemaitre.