- New protocols
- Movie Dose analysis
- deep_center
- deep_global_assignment
- deep_center_predict
- deep_global_assignment_predict
- Protocols updated
- consensus_classes (Efficient p-value calculation, updated intersection merging process, generalized protocol for other set of classes)
- Movie Gain: changed _stepsCheckSecs and fixed inputMovies calling, np.asscalar discontinued in numpy 1.16
- convert_pdb: dont allow set size if template volume, to convert a set of pdbs to volumes, generates an mrc file
- CTF_consensus: add 4 threads by default
- process: Better instantiation of Scipion subclasses
- create_mask3d: Addding a validate in 3dmask, add :mrc to input filename
- consensus_local_ctf: save defocus in proper fields, compute consensus for local defocus U and V separately, add consensus angle
- align_volume: Included the label in the volumes
- crop_resize: Add mask as input. Mask resize is now possible
- subtract_projection: change pad validation error for warning, parallelized
- Protocols fixed
- Tilt analysis: Close correctly the output sets once finished
- Deep micrograph cleaner: fix two bugs that occured during streaming implementation bug
- volume_adjust_sub: fix with :mrc
- Picking consensus: define correctly the possibleOutputs bug
- Center particles: streaming bug when definining the outputs bug
- volume_subtraction: bug fixed in filename
- compare_reprojections: fix update subtract projection output
- deep_micrograph_screen: Bug fix that prevents using small GPUs
- consensus_classes:Fixed manual output generation
- Protocols deprecated (For more details visit [this](https://github.com/I2PC/xmipp/wiki/Deprecating-programs-and-protocols))
- apply_deformation_zernike3d
- classify_kmeans2d
- kmeans_clustering
- particle_boxSize
- rotational_spectra
- split_volume_hierarchical_cluster
- Viewers
- viewer_resolution_fs: fixing 0.1 threshold not found
- viewer_projmatch, viewer_metaprotocol_golden_highres: Fixing viewers, change removed ChimeraClientView to ChimeraView
- monores_viewer: fix histogram
- viewer_structure_map: Change the label for each volume