* :setting:`DOWNLOAD_MAXSIZE` and :setting:`DOWNLOAD_WARNSIZE` are now also enforced on requests sent through Zyte API.
* Added official Python 3.13 support, removed official Python 3.8 support.
* Fixed a race condition that could allow more Zyte API requests than those configured in the :setting:`ZYTE_API_MAX_REQUESTS` setting.
Not secure
* Added support for ``zyte_common_items.JobPostingNavigation`` to the scrapy-poet provider.
Not secure
* Added support for :ref:`custom attribute extraction <custom-attrs>`.
* Added the :class:`~scrapy_zyte_api.LocationSessionConfig` class.
Not secure
* Fixed an issue in the handling of excessive session initialization failures during session refreshing, which would manifest as an asyncio messages about unretrieved ``TooManyBadSessionInits`` task exceptions instead of stopping the spider as intended.
Not secure
* ``scrapy-zyte-api[provider]`` now requires :doc:`zyte-common-items <zyte-common-items:index>` 0.20.0+.
* Added the :setting:`ZYTE_API_AUTO_FIELD_STATS` setting.
* Added the :func:`~scrapy_zyte_api.is_session_init_request` function.
* Added the :data:`~scrapy_zyte_api.session_config_registry` variable.