
Latest version: v0.4.0

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:boom: Breaking changes

- The requests HTTP engine is now using a timeout of 40 seconds for connection and 30
seconds afterwards (or 10 minutes in case of streaming)
- `HTTPAdapterSpec`'s `headers` parameter is now keyword-only

:rocket: Added

- HTTP requests are now retried several times in case of exception; this behavior can be
modified with the following parameters: `retry_nb_attempts`, `retry_wait_initial`,
`retry_wait_max`, `retry_wait_jitter`, and `retry_callback` allows to be notified when
a retry is performed

:bug: Fixes

- Warnings due to wrong usage are now using `UserWarning` instead of `RuntimeWarning`

:house: Internal

- Add `Adapter._from_adapter_hierarchy` to get easy access to values from the adapter
- Simplify `assert_type` imports following `typing-extensions` requirement on Python up
to 3.10
- Necessary code changes following dev dependency update: mypy


:rocket: Added

- Allow to select HTTP engine with `HTTPAdapterSpec.set_engine`
- Add HTTP replay engine to be able to record/replay HTTP responses

:house: Internal

- Rename HTTP “impl” into “engine”
- Upgrade `typing-extensions` dependency
- Necessary code changes following dev dependency update: mypy


:rocket: Added

- Usual shortcuts to `HTTPAdapter.requests(method, ...)`: `.get`, `.options`, `.head`,
`.post`, `.put`, `.patch`, `.delete`
- Add `BasicAuth` and `NoAuth` helpers for HTTP authorization management
- `HTTPBodyEncoding` support for conversion of more object types: in addition to
`None`/`bytes`/`str`, add support for `bool`/`int`/`float`, as well as
`list`/`tuple`/`set`/`dict` of other supported types (recursively).

:memo: Documentation

- First version of the documentation

:house: Internal

- Necessary code changes following dev dependency update: mypy
- Fix a badge shield URL in readme


:rocket: Added

- Initial public release :tada:



Has known vulnerabilities

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