- Fixed breaking changed in `pymodbus` versions 3.4.1 and later (radokristof and bosgnoom) - Added UDP client support (oschick) - Added ability to choose between Modbus framer (wowtor) - Added support for TAIYEDQ4300 (alexwtz)
* Added missing requirement (`pyserial-asyncio`) after pymodbus breaking changes
* Fixed breaking change in pymodbus 3.0.0 release * Reverted from poetry to setup.py packaging * Added missing holding registers to SDM120 (thanks radokristof ) * Added SDM120 documentation v2.5
- Added support for Eastron SDM72D-M v2 (thanks MartinKutz) - Corrected documentation of `read_all()` to reflect actual implementation (thanks radokristof)
- __Warning:__ sdm630 `lN_demand_energy_active` and `lN_import_energy_active` registers have been renamed. - Added tariff definitions. - Corrected sdm630 import/export registers. (thanks SebuZet)