
Latest version: v0.13.4

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✨ Improved

* Do not raise warnings when trying to set some inexistent Archon parameters.

🔧 Fixed

* [yao 17]( Deal with case when the returned buffer does not match the expected size. The `ArchonController.fetch` method will retry fetching buffer once. If that fails again it pads the buffer with zeros to match the expected size.


🔧 Fixed

* Removed print statement that was left for debugging.


🏷️ Changed

* Remove original extension in recovery file.


✨ Improved

* The parameter used to set the exposure time can be defined using the configuration parameter `archon.int_param`. Valid values are `IntMS` (integration time must be set in milliseconds) and `IntCS` (centiseconds).


💥 Breaking changes

* As part of [46]( `ExposureDelegate.post_process()` is now called once for each controller CCD with a `FetchDataDict` as the only argument. The function must modify the input dictionary in place and return `None`.

🚀 New

* [47]( Added a framework for recovering images when they fail to be written to disk. A lockfile is created when the buffer is read which can be used to recover the original image and header. Recovery happens automatically when the actor starts or via the `recover` command.

⚙️ Engineering

* [46]( Significant clean-up of the `ExposureDelegate` code.


💥 Breaking changes

* Support for Python 3.8 has been deprecated.

🚀 New

* [45]( Added a new option `files.write_engine` that can be set to `astropy` or `fitsio`. In the latter case it will use fitsio to write images to disk. This requires installing `sdss-archon` with the `fitsio` extra (e.g., `pip install sdss-archon[fitsio]`).

🔧 Fixed

* Fix broken tests in 3.12.

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