
Latest version: v0.8.0

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✨ Improved

* Cast output ``exposure_time`` to float.

⚙️ Engineering

* Lint using `ruff`.
* Update workflows.
* Update RTD config and docs building.


* Improved overwritting of `BSCALE` and `BZERO` for compressed headers.
* Cast data to `float32` before stacking multiple exposures.


✨ Improved

* Updated to using `sdss-clu 2.0.0`.


✨ Improved

* Updated to using `sdss-clu 2.0.0b2`.


💥 Breaking changes

* Dropped Python 3.7 to allow newer versions of `numpy` and `scipy`. `numpy` is not explicitely in the requirements and is installed by `astropy` (see [31](

✨ Improved

* Compress gzipped FITS file in temporary directory before moving it to the final location.


🔧 Fixed

* Fix the use of `--count` with the `expose` command.
* [28]( Deal with `numpy.asscalar` being deprecated in `numpy` 1.23. Restricted `numpy<1.22.0` to prevent `astropy` 4 running along with `numpy` 1.23.

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