* Bind `/dev/bus/usb` in the container, which ensures the camera can be connected without having to restart the container. * Increase CPU and memory allocation in the container.
🏷️ Changed
* APO now mounts `/data` from `sdss5-hub`.
🏷️ Changed
* Re-enabled GFA1 and 6 for APO.
🚀 New
* Allow to use `force=True` when stopping or running a container. * Allow to force enabling a node that's not in `enabled_nodes`. * Add cameras and nodes for LCO.
🏷️ Changed
* Disabled GFA1 and 6 for APO. * Use `nfsvers=4` for `/data` volume. * Some engineering improvements.
* Nodes are now organised by observatory. * Default image name is not `sdss/flicamera:latest`. * Add option to start `fliswarm` with only certain nodes from the CLI. * Run containers with `network="host"` to allow instances of FLIcamera access to Tron. * Initial operations testing at APO.