
Latest version: v2.8.0

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- Drop support for py <3.7. Min. version is py3.8.
- Updating flask web dependencies: Flask > 2, Jinja2 > 3, werkzeug > 2.0, <2.1
- Removing packaged Flask-JSGlue, replacing with custom 0.3.1 version with correct use of `markupsafe`.
- Pinning miniumum numpy version to 1.20, removing use of `` and `np.float`
- Switch to `packaging.version.parse` from `distutils` for version checking
- Updates test suite to run only on DR17, and on CI on Github Actions. Removes travis yaml.


- Last tag to support python versions >2.7 up to <3.8
- Pinning `marvin_brain` and `marvin_wtforms_alchemy` dependencies
- Additional docs updates


- Small tweaks to documentation links and tutorial exercise notebooks
- Pinning markupsafe dependency to < 2.1


- Small tweaks to the web interface: added tooltips, updated link to SkyServer
- Adds default bintype to Explore page
- Fixes issue :issue:`551` - fix z-index bug in Guided Query Builder
- Fixes issue :issue:`142` - add link to Simbad


- Bug fix in Query datamodel. Removed older MPLs from the datamodel as they are no longer in the database.


- Adds support for DR17, aliases to MPL-11
- Fixing bug in core Marvin Tools `close` method, for use as contextmanager
- Fixing bug in web galaxy template when no nsa data available; so pages do not crash
- Added new explore page in the web to upload a target list and display DAP maps
- Adds basic VAC availablity to galaxy web page
- Updates the Marvin Query `Results.toJson` method to return a more flexible JSON format
- Improves performance of web query table
- Adds export table button option to web query table
- Improves web pages with various tooltips and other small improvements
- Fixes bug in `get_bpt` method with `add_all` kwargs to `ImageGrid` for `matplotlib>3.5`
- Adds support for DR17 DAPTYPES SPX and VOR10
- Removes web and API support for MPL-8, MPL-9, and MPL-10

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