Multiple feature improvements and bugfixes:
- Overhauled FRF functions to add new techniques (H2, H3, Hv)
- Updated simulate test to truncate steady state time
- Continued to work on modal tutorials for experimental modal analysis
- Added ability to specify frequency lines used in shape fitting
- Added copyright text to files for initial release
- Added a license file
- Updated clicking events to ensure they are inside the plots
- Improved docstring documentation
- Cleaned up some code using autopep8
- Added functionality for computing MIMO vibration forward and backward problems
- Added better save and load functionality for data objects
- Renamed GUIFRF to SignalProcessingGUI
- Added transmission simulator substructuring example problem to documentation
- Made outer product work for n-dimensional arrays
- Added matrix object for bookkeeping operations
- Fixed unv writer for ShapeArray
- Added significant functionality to PowerSpectralDensityArrays
- Added MIMO vibration example problem to documentation