The first release of the `sec-web-scraper` focuses on the Downloader portion.
From the readMe:
> A document downloader portion that will fetch documents from the EDGAR database based on parameters such as a text query, time period, company ticker, and file type.
As of now, this downloader can
- get document links from the SEC EDGAR Database in a particular year range
- retrieve SEC EDGAR Database landing page for document
- get document links from the SEC EDGAR Database based on form type
- get form types links from the SEC EDGAR Database in a particular year range
- Retrieve CIK string based on company name
Although not the focus of this version, scraper portion of this library can
- get document links given Company CIK
- fetch a document from the SEC EDGAR Database
- extract section headers given a particular document
Please see the [Github]( repo for more information.