- issue \292 - PR \332 - Add ephemeral sections to the redshift watcher
- PR \338 - Added access key last used to IAM Users.
- Added an IAM User auditor check to look for access keys without use in past 90 days.
- PR \334 - alexcline - Route53 watcher and auditor. (Updated to use botor in PR \343)
- Logo updated. Weapon replaced with banana. Expect more logo changes soon.
- PR \345 - Ephemeral changes now update the latest revision. Revisions now have a date\_last\_ephemeral\_change column as well as a date\_created column.
- PR \349 - mikegrima - Install documentation updates
- PR \354 - Feature/SSO (YAY)
- PR \365 - alexcline - Added ACM (Amazon Certificate Manager) watcher/auditor
- PR \358/\370 - alexcline - Alex cline feature/kms
- Updated Dart/Angular dart versions.
- PR \362 - crruthe - Changed to dictConfig logging format
- PR \372 - ollytheninja - SQS principal bugfix
- PR \379 - bunjiboys - Adding Mumbai region
- PR \380 - bunjiboys - Adding Mumbai ELB Log AWS Account info
- PR \381 - ollytheninja - Adding tags to the S3 watcher
- Boto updates
- PR \376 - Adding item.arn field. Adding item.latest\_revision\_complete\_hash and item.latest\_revision\_durable\_hash. These are for the bananapeel rearchitecture.
- PR \386 - Shortening sessions from default value to 60 minutes. Setting Cookie HTTPONLY and SECURE flags.
- PR \389 - Adding CloudTrail table, linked to itemrevision. (To be used by bananapeel rearchitecture.)
- PR \390 - ollytheninja - Adding export CSV button.
- PR \394 - mikegrima - Saving exceptions to database table
- PR \402 - issue \401 - Adding new ELB Reference Policy ELBSecurityPolicy-2016-08
- Upgraded Cryptography to 1.3.1
- Updated docs to use sudo -E when calling manage.py amazon\_accounts.
- Updated the record\_exception decorator to allow the region to be overwritten. (Useful for region-less technology that likes to be recorded in the "universal" region.)
- issue \331 - IAMSSL watcher failed on elliptic curve certs
Important Notes:
- Route53 IgnoreList entries may match zone name or recordset name.
- Checkout the new log configuration format from PR \362. You may want to update your config.py.
- New permissions required:
- "acm:ListCertificates",
- "acm:DescribeCertificate",
- "kms:DescribeKey",
- "kms:GetKeyPolicy",
- "kms:ListKeys",
- "kms:ListAliases",
- "kms:ListGrants",
- "kms:ListKeyPolicies",
- "s3:GetBucketTagging"
- Some dependencies have been updated (cryptography, boto, boto3, botocore, botor, pyjwt). Please re-run python setup.py install.
- Please add the following lines to your config.py for more time-limited sessions:
~~~~ {.sourceCode .python}
PERMANENT_SESSION_LIFETIME=timedelta(minutes=60) Will logout users after period of inactivity.
REMEMBER_COOKIE_DURATION=timedelta(minutes=60) Can make longer if you want remember_me to be useful
- alexcline
- crruthe
- ollytheninja
- bunjiboys
- mikegrima
- monkeysecurity