
Latest version: v0.10.1

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1. `DepletionReader.saveAsMatlab` has been deprecated in favor of `DepletionReader.toMatlab` for a consistent interface
Bug Fixes

1. Read coefficient files with uncertainties - 272
2. Return axes object from plots - 297
3. HomogUniv plot against group rather than energy
if no group structure given - 299
4. Use of seed CLI has better exit conditions - 300
5. ResultsReader can handle ADFs - 305
SHA256 sums for python wheels

7b408d3ddc8b4093a9737fcd60a0ca89d73b94b9e0f3a46b7d2f6b3ad48c5fb5 serpentTools-0.7.0-py2-none-any.whl
25a573be4759b8ed4328ee87c32e82217f38826eacaf42720c51d4fc8a637080 serpentTools-0.7.0-py3-none-any.whl

MD5 sums for python wheels

56a4ef672fb8e062cd26c358ddbd2ab1 serpentTools-0.7.0-py2-none-any.whl
7bbc27f30ed729245a6c10b1d1c44146 serpentTools-0.7.0-py3-none-any.whl


🚨 ☠️ 🚨
Super early release to allow versioneer support. First tag with some very basic functionality. Should not be used.


Bug fix from

What's Changed
* BUG Fix install with src layout by drewejohnson in
* [REL] Prepare for 0.10.1 release by drewejohnson in

**Full Changelog**:


What's Changed
* [ENH] support Serepent 2.2.1 by rzehumat in
* [DEP] Drop python 3.5, 3.6, 3.7; build with pyproject.toml by drewejohnson in
* [ENH] Test against python 3.10 and python 3.11 by drewejohnson in
* ENH: Reinstate ci testing for jupyter notebooks by drewejohnson in
* [REL] Prepare for 0.9.6 release by drewejohnson in
* [DEV] Dynamic package version based on git history by drewejohnson in
* [REL] Prepare for 0.10.0 release by drewejohnson in

New Contributors
* rzehumat made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


- ENH Allow microxs reader to handle files w/o nfy data (468)
- ENH ResultsReader supports Serpent 2.2.0 (472)
- ENH SensitivityReader.plot applies the title to the plot (471)
- BUG SensitivityReader.plot uses absolute value for yerr (470)
- API Allow pathlib.Path arguments to readers (463)

This release was built with collaboration from
- aalfonsi
- drewejohnson
- paulromano


Summary of changes

- Support for Serpent 2.1.32 via settings. 2.1.31 is still default - 447
- Support for installing under python 3.9 - 444
- Various `plot` methods now support passing keword arguments to underlying
matplotlib plot routines

- `HomogUniv.plot` - 432
- `SensitivityReader.plot` - 434
- `ResultsReader.plot` - 446

Full changelog (excluding merge commits)

- 80ce9d9 DEV Bump versions to 0.9.4rc0
- 569838b DOC Update changelog ahead of 0.9.4rc0
- 75698aa DOC Add Serpent 2.1.32 in list of Serpent versions
- 5c6a9a1 DEV Change MPL to avoid 3.3.4: errorbar and drawstyle
- b50f3b0 DOC Update numpy intersphinx objects file
- 5fff2aa DOC Fix bad sphinx method tag
- 857b9f5 API Support Serpent 2.1.32; Default still 2.1.31
- 6a3c460 TST Update result reader right plot from GHA
- 3579253 TST Add tests for ResultReader plotting
- f310212 CI Test using python 3.9
- 89490ba DEV Remove upper limit on python version
- 5775df6 DOC Update publications: +3 journal
- cc0b7d5 DOC Remove in press from 2020 NSE paper
- 46748a8 DOC Denote USNC-Tech development support
- 78eb7e2 DEV Minor touchups in results reader
- 1c2d1cd API Forward kwargs from results reader plot to matplotlib
- f367b58 TST Remove sensitivity plot all test
- e883b1c CI Store test images as artifacts via actions
- 672f97a CI Unset SERPENT_TOOLS_DATA for github actions on master
- 80f69be Limit matplotlib <=3.3.4: errorbar and drawstyle
- a1bf627 TST Bump pandas to >=1, <=1.3
- 9e73781 CI Drop testing for python 3.5: pip support expired
- dac9aca CI Don't test python 3.5 installed with sdist
- 9a3f652 CI Test with github actions
- 6edea30 TST Add some sensitivity plot tests
- da0ef0a DEV Respect user ordering of sensitivity plot perturbations
- d2a4b46 STY Black format
- f943d32 API Forward sensitivity plot kwargs to matplotlib
- b1370fa DOC Clean up sensitivity plot documentation
- 08b9712 DEV Minor updates to handling steps/drawstyle for HomogUniv.plot
- 8bb05e7 DEP Fix MPL colorbar norm deprecation (430)
- b9d88a3 API Allow HomogUniv.plot to forward kwargs to mpl plots
- 74d2bb5 TST Allow CLI plot tolerance. Raise errors for failed plot tests
- 48d1c0a TST Save figures for plot tests using strings not Paths
- 2aed3c4 TST Add plot marker to select / exclude plot tests
- 684b097 TST Add a trial test for testing plot methods
- 15e07c3 DOC Add AIAA 2020 publication: coupled NTP design
- 3c5c364 DOC Update main citation
- f1607d2 CI Test with pytest<6.0

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