* Fix using deprecated collections.Sequence. * WAMP-compliant msgpack batch processing * Fixes Autobahn|Python out-of-box compatibility. * Allow unauthenticated sessions if no authenticators configured. * `session.identity` is `None` in this case.
* Server now responds with error when unsubscribing from non-subscribed topic. * Temporarily synchronize subscribe/unsubscribe messages. * Synchronization will be made configurable by request type in a future version. * Fix for exception raised in trying to process protocol messages from a canceled connection.
* Fix error in SCRAM nonce generation * Fix lack of response to clients' unsubscribe requests * Fix for exception raised in trying to process protocol messages from a canceled connection.
* aiohttp sessions now cancellable by server shutdown * Session cleanup operations specifically shielded from cancellation * Added Application.close_sessions method (undocumented)
* Fix for plain topic routes raising exception during registration. [Issue 4](JustinTArthur/serverwamp4) * Exceptions in user-supplied RPC code no longer crash the app, but instead return a wamp.error.runtime_error to the caller like Crossbar.io's toolchain.