* Use ``--no-verify`` with ``git commit`` when bumping a version, to support projects with a ``no-commit-to-branch`` hook (OK to commit version bump to branch, but not other changes)
* Support setuptools 68.2+
* Better support for PEP-517, extract ``Requires-Dist:`` from ``PKG-INFO`` if ``requires.txt`` is missing
* ``.egg`` files are not published anymore, see https://blog.pypi.org/posts/2023-06-26-deprecate-egg-uploads/
* Removed support for py2
* Look for ``v*.*`` git tags first, then ``*.*``
* Ignore git tags that do not pass regex ``^v?[0-9]+\.[0-9]+``, default to ``0.0.0`` in that case, and issue a WARNING
* Allow to configure format of git version tag via the advanced dict-form of ``versioning``, example::