Epic Changes
- First public release is an epic change!
New Features
- Set default changelog fragments path and changes types mappings.
- Add ``--next-version`` flag to print out next version to stdout. This should
help with auto tagging releases.
- Assign generated changelog next release version. Project should follow Semantic
Versioning strategy or it simplified form (just ``X.Y`` version).
- Support out-of-the-box towncrier fragments types. To generate changelog from
them, use ``--use-towncrier`` cli option or set ``use_towncrier = true``
parameter in `setup.cfg`.
- Add ``--update=`` argument to prepend generated changelog to a given file.
Bug Fixes
- Changelog generation shouldn't fail if changes directory contains no fragments.
- Automate release process.
- Generate project changelog as a part of Travis CI build.
- Add `make fragment` helper to generate changelog fragments from git log.
- Drop Python 2.7 build on Travis CI. I'm not interested in it, but if it'll
be broken - patches welcome!
- Workaround https://github.com/pypa/setuptools/issues/1136
- Add contributing guide
- Update ``README.rst`` file with comprehensive description of each fragment
- Clarify what is the "modern setuptools versions"
Tests Suite
- Add some basic tests for changelog and next version generation.
- Workaround https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/73