- [173]( - **pre commits hooks** - [sbrunner](
- [130]( - **workflow to delete old workflow runs** - [sbrunner](
- [119]( - **the required token for Snyk** - [sbrunner](
- [109]( - **the audit extra to c2cciutils in the audit workflow** - [sbrunner](
- [97]( - **the changelog generation cache in Git ignore** - [sbrunner](
- [5081f2]( - **some logs in Changelog workflow** - [sbrunner](
- [83]( - **spell on the pull request title** - [sbrunner](
- [335fe5]( - **label on Renovate pull request** - [sbrunner](
- [68]( - **generated changelog** - [sbrunner](
- [17576a]( - **more data** - [sbrunner](
- [53]( - **pyroma check** - [sbrunner](
- [20]( - **test for wikidata, worldbank, OFS datasource** - [sbrunner](
- [19]( - **tests for BP** - [sbrunner](
- [678e88]( - **Initialize pypi** - [sbrunner](
- [43407a]( - **Use an existing secret** - [sbrunner](
- [163]( - **changelog generation tool, move ti the the GitHub release** - [sbrunner](
- [162]( - **Snyk auto fix** - [github-actions[bot]](
- [161]( - **Snyk auto fix** - [github-actions[bot]](
- [158]( - **Configure Renovate to run monthly** - [sbrunner](
- [156]( - **Configure Mend Bolt** - [sbrunner](
- [146]( - **Pin dependency setuptools to ==65.6.3** - [sbrunner](
- [144]( - **Upgrade deprecated set-output commands** - [sbrunner](
- [138]( - **Create or update a Poetry group for Renovate** - [sbrunner](
- [143]( - **Snyk auto fix** - [github-actions[bot]](
- [142]( - **Set the git user to be able to do the snyk autofix** - [sbrunner](
- [123]( - **Use venv to avoid issue on reinstalling an other version of c2cciutils in audit workflow** - [sbrunner](
- [111]( - **Group Poetry packages in Renovate pull requests** - [sbrunner](
- [110]( - **Schedule Renovate on early saturday** - [sbrunner](
- [677e31]( - **Run Prettier before getting the status** - [sbrunner](
- [99]( - **Clean all the images already present in the image given by GitHub** - [sbrunner](
- [95]( - **Remove Dependabot configuration** - [sbrunner](
- [85]( - **Disable the Renovate concurrent limit** - [sbrunner](
- [77]( - **Remove hourly limit** - [sbrunner](
- [ce11bd]( - **Run Renovate on Sunday** - [sbrunner](
- [60]( - **Don't run 2 CI jobs in a pull request** - [sbrunner](
- [00a858]( - **Remove unworking workflow** - [sbrunner](
- [205185]( - **Automerge lockFileMaintenance** - [sbrunner](
- [1febed]( - **use Prospector 1.7** - [sbrunner](
- [42]( - **Be more Poetry friendly** - [sbrunner](
- [62b157]( - **Automerge lockFileMaintenance** - [sbrunner](
- [175]( - **the license file** - [sbrunner](
- [171]( - **pull requests check workflow, use our CI token** - [sbrunner](
- [136]( - **repository in workflow used to delete old workflow runs** - [sbrunner](
- [135]( - **repository in workflow used to delete old workflow runs** - [sbrunner](
- [122]( - **the checkout user to be able to create pull request for Snyk fix** - [sbrunner](
- [113]( - **the get config in changelog workflow** - [sbrunner](
- [102]( - **the Renovate scheduling** - [sbrunner](
- [72]( - **the changelog** - [github-actions[bot]](
- [96]( - **the changelog generation workflow** - [sbrunner](
- [70]( - **the changelog** - [github-actions[bot]](
- [69]( - **the changelog** - [github-actions[bot]](
Generated by [Automation](