
Latest version: v0.6.1

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* Include missing theme picker assets in the package. (36)


New features

* `shinyswatch.theme_picker_ui()` gains a `default` argument to set the initial theme. (22)

Internal changes

* We've restructured the dependencies used to provide a shinyswatch theme. This change should not affect users of shinyswatch, but it will prevent accidentally including more than one shinyswatch themes on the same page. (32)

* The theme picker now transitions between themes more smoothly. That said, we do still recommend using the theme picker only while developing your app. (32)


* Add typed attributes in the theme's color class for stronger type checking.


Breaking changes

* `shinyswatch.get_theme(name)` now returns a tagifiable class instance of the theme. This callable class instance may be executed to retrive the html dependencies. To resolve some rare typing issues, either execute the returned theme object to directly use the html dependencies or use `shinyswatch.get_theme_deps(name)`. (29)

theme_deps = shinyswatch.get_theme("yeti")

after (option 1)
theme_deps = shinyswatch.get_theme_deps("yeti")
after (option 2)
theme_obj = shinyswatch.get_theme("yeti")
theme_deps = theme_obj()

New features

* Themes in `shinyswatch.theme` are now tagifiable class instances. You no longer need to call the theme as a function, e.g. `shinyswatch.theme.yeti`. Existing code calling the theme, e.g. `shinyswatch.theme.yeti()`, will continue to work as the `__call__` method retrieves the theme's html dependencies. (29)

* `shinyswatch.theme`'s theme object now includes a `.colors` attribute with the theme's color palette, including colors like `body_color`, `body_bg`, `primary`, `secondary`, etc. You can use these colors to theme plots, outputs and other UI elements to match the shinyswatch theme. (29)


* Update bootswatch themes to receive page_sidebar updates and require shiny v0.8.1 (28)

* Update bootswatch themes to receive posit-dev/py-shiny1124 updates to fix navbar theming (26)


* Update bootswatch themes. (24)


New features

* Drop XStatic-bootswatch dependency

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