- Fixed bug related to displaying figure caption icons for cached datasets.
- Added recursive dependency checks; if any upstream dependency of a figure script
is a dataset or cached Zenodo deposit, an icon to that dataset/deposit will
be displayed next to the figure.
- Added functionality to obtain the Snakemake DAG prior to running any of the
rules (used to infer upstream dependencies above). Metadata from the DAG is
stored in the global config.
- Reintroduced option to render the workflow DAG when building the article;
users can now provide DAG-related settings under the ``dag`` entry in the
config file (set ``render: true`` to enable the DAG generation).
Note that ``showyourwork`` now depends on the ``graphviz`` package, so users
may have to clear their ``~/.showyourwork`` cache to force regeneration of
the default ``showyourwork`` conda environment.
- Workaround for issue with incomplete files not getting deleted when passing
the ``--rerun-incomplete`` flag. Running ``showyourwork clean`` now deletes
the ``.snakemake/incomplete`` directory.
- Server errors on Zenodo / Zenodo Sandbox no longer lead to fatal errors when
accessing the remote file cache.
- Fixed issue with broken GitHub links in the PDF when using SSH to authenticate
with GitHub.
- Implemented better testing for showyourwork features; test repositories now
persist on GitHub (showyourwork/test-**).
- Implemented major fix for issue `124 <https://github.com/showyourwork/showyourwork/issues/124>`__,
which allows us to optimize the DAG by eliminating unnecessary jobs upstream
of jobs with cache hits.
- Users can now clone an empty remote repository prior to running ``showyourwork setup``
without triggering an error.
- Added option to pass custom arguments to the ``tectonic`` build.
- Removed dependency on ``fontspec``, which caused issues with TT fonts. The ``shoyourwork``
logo is no longer displayed as text in a custom font, but as a PDF image.
- Fix for newer versions of ``git`` that use ``main`` as the default branch name, which
led to errors when integrating with Overleaf (which uses ``master``).
- Revamped the way tests for the `showyourwork/showyourwork <https://github.com/showyourwork/showyourwork>`__
repo are run. Split tests into unit tests, local integration tests, and remote
integration tests. The first two can be executed on either the base repo or
any fork; the last one can only be executed on the base repo or upon the
``pull_request_target`` trigger from a PR, which occurs when a PR is labeled
``safe to test`` by a maintainer. This change will make contributing to
``showyourwork`` much easier going forward!
- Changed the syntax for specifying the ``showyourwork`` version number in the
``showyourwork.yml`` config file. Users should now specify whether the version
spec is a ``pip``-installable version, a ``path`` to a local installation,
or a ``ref`` on the GitHub repository (optionally on a given ``fork``).
The previous syntax (in which the version is provided as a string and the
code attempts to interpret it as one of the above options) is deprecated, but
will still be supported going forward. However, this
change is still **backwards-incompatible**, as versions of
``showyourwork`` prior to ``0.3.1`` will not be able to build repositories
that require versions greater than or equal to ``0.3.1`` (since previous
versions of the code will not be able to parse the new ``version`` mapping
syntax). Users can fix this by simply upgrading their local installation of
- Removed built-in LaTeX class files for AAS journals, MNRAS, and A&A. Users
who upgrade to ``0.3.1`` (or later) must now include all necessary class files
and auxiliary TeX files in ``src/tex`` (and track them with ``git``). This
allows users to customize these files as needed and means we no longer have to
maintain them as they get updated by the journals.
- Removed the dependence on the ``marginnote`` package, which was causing issues
with some other packages that also defined a ``\marginnote`` command. The
margin link in the abstract now uses the built-in ``\marginpar``.
- Changelog: `v0.3.0...v0.3.1 <https://github.com/showyourwork/showyourwork/compare/v0.3.0...v0.3.1>`_