* Prevent a bug with Grok if ``CHAMELEON_DEBUG`` is set.
* Improve resources merging to prevent where some resources where not included in the merged version.
* Resource merging is now done when the server is starting. That prevent issues in case of multi Zope instance installation. Usefull logging is done to know what is merged and how.
* Support for the directive ``only_for`` have been added. It is the equivalent of the ``context`` option used with ZCML directives.
* Bug fix on windows: fix merged resources to be able to properly access other relatives resources.
* Bug fix on windows: fix mode used to open files in order to fully get all resource data out of them.
* Vary cache key on ``HTTP_HOST`` for the resource include provider (that let you access the same site with different hostname and get URL for the hostname you asked in your response).
* plone.memoize is replaced with silva.core.cache.
* It is now to include a ressource only for a given content. The ZCML is extended with a ``context`` option that let you do that.
* A new ZCML directive called ``resourceLayerInclude`` let you reinclude for a different layer and content a list of resources defined on an interface with the martian directive.
* Implement resources export, and use it,
* Improve caching (HTTP headers, HEAD requests, 304),
* Update syntax and imports for Zope 2.12 and Python 2.6.