-------------------- * [Bugfix] 24: Prevent to create an instance of document with ALLOW_EXTRA_FIELDS enabled and which has overlapping data keys it gets
------------------ * [Improvement] Clearer interface for the ListField, it ignores user 'validators' parameter * [Breaking] Change `Document's` `__init__` signature: move attributes from `**kwargs` to `data`, add additional `**kwargs`. * [Breaking] Remove dictionary as a storage from `Document`.
------------------ * [Feature] Support ListField having only one type of items + added MutableSequence interface * [Improvement] MutableMapping interface for the DictField * [Bugfix] ListField of Documents returns proper documents instances (https://github.com/prawn-cake/simple-models/issues/13)
------------------ * [Improvement] Protected fields interface via Document.create(...) * [Improvement] Added ListField list of Documents support * [Improvement] DocumentField: added lazy model assignment with name