
Latest version: v2.3.1

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Improved Python packaging type information (PEP 561).
Improved types for manual Python procedural methods: Resample, GetArrayFromImage, GetImageFromArray, GetArrayViewFromImage, ReadImage, WriteImage, SmoothingRecursiveGaussian, DiscreteGaussian.

Bug Fixes

Additional baseline test image for AArch64/ARM64 systems.
Fix test failure when system has more than 127 processors.
Remove failing test with 32-bit pixel and JPEG file.


- [SIMPLEITK-400]( - Update towards ITK 4.4
- [SIMPLEITK-409]( - There is an unneeded dependency of many of the BasicFilter libraries on the previous on. This should be removed.

New Feature
- [SIMPLEITK-330]( - Add PatchBaseDenoising filter
- [SIMPLEITK-411]( - Add new json field type for enums.
- [SIMPLEITK-415]( - Add ClampImageFilter

- [SIMPLEITK-352]( - Have separate versions of SimpleITK doxygen for each version or tag
- [SIMPLEITK-355]( - Add CMake file to use Midas and MD5 files for data.
- [SIMPLEITK-356]( - Migrate the data from the data submodule to the Midas md5 download system.
- [SIMPLEITK-366]( - System ITK with Superbuild.
- [SIMPLEITK-367]( - Move WIki pages to version directories.
- [SIMPLEITK-375]( - Update SimpleITK Wiki and FAQ, including compiler support and FAQ entries.
- [SIMPLEITK-407]( - Update the style of SWIG and PCRE.
- [SIMPLEITK-412]( - Fix dashboard issues
- [SIMPLEITK-416]( - Update Source Tarball script for midas data.
- [SIMPLEITK-418]( - The size of the monolithic test driver is too big on windows. This should be broken up


Various C++17 modernization in testing include more usage of initializer lists, and namespaces.
Change PimpleImageBase to return unique_ptr over raw.
Address unused return value in image transform point methods and in transform tests.
Use unique_ptr for Transform interface.
Remove references to legacy SITK_4D_IMAGES definition.
Enable ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE by default in Superbuild.
Update ITK enum to remove legacy enums type.
Update to CSharp DotNet version 4 by default.
Update SimpleITK Superbuild Lua to 5.4.4 and enable usage of Lua 5.4.
Remove disutils and from Python packaging fallback.
Add pyproject.toml to address wheel dependency warning


da780800 Explicitly install setuptools in environment
ad198eb3 Add Python 3.12 packaging support
0ca94ef6 Address missing Generic Label Interpolator
27112d21 Fix undeleted N4 filter in example
0b0a492e Use reusable MockLogger to capture warning messages
72ee8bf3 Restore and depricate MaskImageFilter support for mask input types

<a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a>

This is an automatic pre-release packaging of SimpleITK based on the master branch. It contains the latest features and experimental developments.

To upgrade to the latest pre-release Python binary package run:
pip install --upgrade --pre SimpleITK --find-links

<a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a><a href=""></a>


* 46bf97cf954646e284a8ebbc6863ac8b2c5465fe Merge branch 'release'
* 42ce27df414cfc174e7b4fb379a643360d10348a Bump patch version to 2.3.1
* 4e5b93b822f9e296349e4badccc9942bd1036d9a Merge pull request 2029 from blowekamp/add_py312
* b07ace7d0627b3514daf190b20816f46d6b32718 Merge pull request 2028 from blowekamp/install_setuptools
* cc1b964139432e70c88f725154698142e7cfc769 Merge pull request 2025 from jhlegarreta/FixCoverageNightlyBuildCxxFlags
* 88086bc9979e74364f6751dfc6a6a0905c42b17e Merge pull request 2027 from blowekamp/install_setuptools
* 4eb3a1eff751504f9a36af8f351a476393f43e03 Add CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND to itk coverage
* da7808007cd82fb0809d7e9c4b7670ff08a77ddb Explicitly install setuptools in environment
* 26b9f547256c1a8d9000a74b5e8f0fed979c0c2a Merge pull request 2026 from SimpleITK/fix-nightly-timing
* d3aaf75209d57a5b24dde68c7e82f2ce00b5fead Adjust nightly build timing to prevent issues
<details><summary><b>See More</b></summary>

* 4e79c9dff49011038a45aabcae4c91428aa63337 Merge pull request 2023 from blowekamp/add_py312
* ad198eb311b488072b6c89017a6577e9578d12d6 Add Python 3.12 packaging support
* 282f481fc117351389380a0f8dfb35a24f58f5e8 Merge pull request 2018 from blowekamp/itk_coverage
* bf30724334c5acf16b68fd59af2b95193d5ba730 Exclude RUNS_LONG from valgrind
* 5de893065df02b555c05df9e33589f0e143d5dcd Merge pull request 2016 from blowekamp/add_use_itk_build
* c8eb8c350b61aff40bd35796882bb40b619c4722 Fix Elastix module dependecies on ITK
* cdf2ada4c089f0ca2c38d48af3056277d9732000 Use ITK build directory in test.
* 848b41361012d174d8d2cd2b3d43fa8e644d4832 Start nigtly as 12:11AM
* 942a482cc188972c481fac6253419d55ff0ba722 Add nightly ITK coverage job
* d825ceae99a110cd03be093aa9e394ae29462212 Merge pull request 2019 from blowekamp/add_generic_interpolator
* 4d22a6064c81676657a32efd33abe16702e74666 Add ITK_USE_BUILD_DIR option
* ca743f9f3e12b2610246dce67db20577e9ce88f1 Merge pull request 2014 from blowekamp/add_generic_interpolator
* f713e55672466ba0f2448e72defd4e2a64f2837e Merge pull request 2017 from dave3d/UpdateSpellCheck
* 0ca94ef61ce4fe4b661e22fa7f08cccae72ae9cc Address missing Generic Label Interpolator
* 955c0efe8798f1001468ff54bc27b5e03c396817 BUG: changed checker version to ~0.2.1
* f421d7e324a549b036dce598ddf3c5579750b62e DOC: Get CommentSpellCheck from PyPI
* d0e231ca41015ea3b65b2a2270e9ed6c4adff7c2 Merge pull request 2015 from SimpleITK/release
* dcdd702d14e3bba4af5c1f0962fa7e97ddd132f7 Merge pull request 2013 from blowekamp/fix_n4_example_leak
* 8632ac2936dc4f703ed485bb2997cc87ce92ba73 Merge pull request 2012 from blowekamp/fix_n4_example_leak
* 2fee556175a7027bc0e62e388ddb70c522146ee5 Merge pull request 2007 from blowekamp/gha_build_j
* fd4dd7470295780c9c2c0077a167a788932e5f1c Merge pull request 2006 from blowekamp/restore_and_depricate_mask_non_uint8
* e2f05794540392d51b92a34e8f9a392b589a9390 Merge pull request 2011 from blowekamp/add_nightly_valgrind
* 27112d21a1330b819768d834f9520209d19fc41b Fix undeleted N4 filter in example
* f5bd5378056926441c86fdae0f8df459b26254cd Adding valgrind to nightly matrix
* e22f85136c2d5b8b44db8d3e68612231399af316 Merge pull request 2010 from blowekamp/nightly_gha_matrix
* c3b860c1b0ec675c4bb469dd1d70daf358572217 Use matrix for Nightly GHA
* ef2cd30be5ed2288e7092389115f5cfa8b013013 Merge pull request 2009 from blowekamp/nightly_coverage
* d20a1b73bea9e7aeace5611e5b78a22f2b8cda4d Tweaks to nightly coverage GHA
* 0122fcb22515f80fca199082d1388ccc34066d28 Merge pull request 2002 from SimpleITK/add_daily_ci
* 78b9936f65e7802fe202da8a6be59b1b3b427b29 Add Nightly Action for coverage
* c6e6f42236d65ff274ddaf16480b64e03aa26324 Allow default parrallel ctest execution of tests
* 0b0a492ee22f4e32d946eb1fe86bec6a3041b417 Use reusabel MockLogger to capture warning messages
* 72ee8bf3731cf6a62af2a7053d87c16d37cb4178 Restore and depricate MaskImageFilter support for mask input types
* bdb61d90709815b8df7590aababf132af4b8d7f1 Merge pull request 1993 from blowekamp/restore_and_depricate_mask_non_uint8
* db9174394c52a43fd262fd59d82701b33a3f2929 Use reusabel MockLogger to capture warning messages
* 92213fba7228592864a364833fc5fec1e60db106 Restore and depricate MaskImageFilter support for mask input types
* af317e1c155edc09d3d0ceb42a28020269c58ed1 Merge pull request 2003 from blowekamp/modernize_elastix
* 07d860407e80cb14976913dbe205dcfba9cb9628 Merge pull request 1999 from blowekamp/modernize_make_unique
* 7319d08c6b1506ba532e167d5135a70eb3e5ca13 Apply clang tidy modernize-make-unique
* bdb3ac37fd55393432463c41c5147a03288f080a Update Elastix with clang-tidy
* 056dd08de7c68d904c623c2704d5fe12bc89135d Merge pull request 2000 from blowekamp/remove_namespace_comment
* ab4833171b739b9082e2b795b59c7c79f7c787ff Merge pull request 1994 from blowekamp/tidy-modernize-avoid-bind
* 57de6dee8aecbbcf99fd2286980d699958daf548 Remove end namespace comments
* 2642247f16cf894108c5514f392d350e928f64b8 Merge pull request 1998 from blowekamp/modernize_concat_nested_namespaces
* 5909d81c7385c3906f3beb291c4eb100baeacc9c Apply clang tidy modernize-concat-nested-namespaces
* 8b05e53b13dfd09c575e50e76b8df2be9fa56341 Merge pull request 1995 from blowekamp/update_gtest_1.14
* 3f4d13e010827c0ebe4d48bf89af301e862d4b8a Merge pull request 1996 from blowekamp/update_pcre_10.42
* 8cc369f952aa48d61c9842115e6f6caa3c7dce2f Update superbuild version of PCRE2 to 10.42
* 5accdcea43371157ca1c88663498de113b6ab1a9 Update Superbuild version of GTest to 1.14.0
* f723b6bad2fa1ecab0e882f01f256f78270f4922 Use lambdas in MemberFunctionFactories
* 4eece1f1b0a7886cdd9b52e45c14b1ef9a6d91cc Remove legacy MSV _VARIADIC_MAX define
* ff6fc202ac16dc75cf709280dc9060c1c7278a7b Update Expand template to use lambda
* 0dc078f88fbde2f773a9c09c4ad96f2d772725c6 Use clang-tidy with modernize-avoid-bind
* 9db174c691899d0eb608edfeb649d50c215e7a25 Merge pull request 1989 from blowekamp/fix_doxygen_python_config
* d822ab0653793c5b5e850a8559d264adf4258e0b Update to 2.4.0 for development.
* 9b49b4fb9a217c8bf5e4417a0485a5d9322fe6df Update Doxygen docker script for new Python configuration

This list of changes was [auto generated](</details>



Announcing the SimpleITK 2.3.0 Release!

The release includes new features, behavior changes, documentation updates and bug fixes.

Installing SimpleITK

Complete instructions on getting started with SimpleITK including downloading binaries or building SimpleITK can be found on the SimpleITK [Read the Docs web page](

Python Binary Downloads

Python binary wheels are available for download from PyPI. It is important to have the latest version of pip for correct wheel compatibility and installation. To install the latest SimpleITK package:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install SimpleITK

Anaconda Binary Downloads

The packages are available on conda-forge with dependecies on the ecosystem:

conda install --channel conda-forge simpleitk

Starting with SimpleITK 2.3.0, binary packages will *no longer be available* in the "simpleitk" anaconda channel. Older versions continue to be available in that channel.


Thank you to all contributors to SimpleITK and ITK. The new contributors to SimpleITK include mbopfNIH kaspermarstal umasehs caolonghao wbzyl.

Release Notes

New Features

* Added `sitkLabelLinear` interpolator for multi-label images. The implementation is the `LabelImageGenericInterpolateImageFunction` class from GenericLabelInterpolator ITK remote module. ( Contributed by dyollb )
* In Python, add support for masked images to `__setitem__` as index parameter. The mask is considered a binary mask where assignment occurs. For example `img[img<0] = 0` can be used to remove negative numbers.
* In Python, add `MinimumMaximum() -> Tuple[float, float]` procedure for `MinimumMaximumImageFilter`.
* In Python, add `pathlib.Path` support to Transform IO methods.
* Add `Clamp` boolean option to UnsharpMaskFilter.
* Add `Image::ToVector` and `Image::ToScalar` methods to perform fast in-place conversion between vector pixel types (VectorImage), and high spatial dimension scalar images.
* Add initial seed values to `FastMarchingBaseImageFilter` and `FastMarchingImageFilter`.
* Add `KernelType` parameter `RankImageFilter` to support non box kernel shapes.
* Wrap `MaskedAssignImageFilter`.
* Add `AssignConstant` to `MaskedAssignImageFilter` and support for vector input images.
* Internally replace `NPasteImageFilter` with `PasteImageFilter`.
* Add to `N4BiasFieldCorrectionImageFilter` measurements of `CurrentLevel`, `ElapsedIterations`, and `CurrentConvergenceMeasurement` for observers.
* Update `FFTNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter` to use named inputs.
* Add missing `RequiredFractionOfOverlappingPixels` parameter to `FFTNormalizedCorrelationImageFilter`.
* Various improvements to SimpleElastix integration and support.

Behavior Changes

* Change to CMake FindPython module for configuration of the python build environment. CMake configuration variable such as "PYTHON_EXECUTABLE" are now changed to "Python_EXECUTABLE". Additionally, the new CMake module uses "modern" logic for detecting which python executable to use, and the "Python_EXECUTABLE" CMake variable may need to be set to ensure the correct python environment is used.
* Change `MaskImageFilter` and `MaskNegatedImageFilter` to only support `sitkUInt8` pixel types for masked input. This unifies the supported mask image types between these two filters and the `MaskedAssignedImageFilter` to match SimpleITK's [common conventions for mask images](
* For the `MaskImageFilter` it is recommended to update to casting the mask input parameter to `sitkUInt8` pixel type. This is compatible with versions before SimpleITK 2.0.
* The `MaskNegatedImageFilter` old behavior erroneously expected both inputs to be of the same type. The new behavior expects the inputs to be of `sitkUInt8`
* Removed Python 3.7 packaging.
* Restore functions for static members like ImageSeriesReader_GetGDCMSeriesIDs (restores 2.2 behavior).
SWIG 4.1.0 changed behavior to removing flattened static methods for objects. The compatible behavior can be restored by adding `-flatstaticmethod` argument to SWIG. The SimpleITK_PYTHON_FLATSTATICMETHOD CMake variable has been added to control the usage of this flag. It is currently enabled by default and is planned to default to OFF in future releases.

Bug Fixes

* Fix already defined `GTest::Main` issue with using ITK out of a build tree.
* Add an internal "Proxy" image to safely support exceptions with certain in place operations in C++ and Python.
* Fix `FastMarchingUpwindGradientImageFilter` setting target point before setting stopping criteria.
* Test support of `LandmarkBasedInitialization` for `Similarity3DTransforms`.


* Added to Sphinx generated documentation images and text output such as in [Fast Marching Segmentation]( and [Image Registration Method1]( examples.
* Fixed bug in example, working with DICOM tags.
* Update JSON docs form ITK XML
* Document specifying pixel type as part of reading.
* Add information on dependency between GetGDCMSeriesIDs and GetGDCMSeriesFileNames.
* In DicomTagsExample, included example run of DicomImagePrintTags code in the Sphinx docs.
* Fix time date ordering in string in DicomSeriesFromArray.R example.


* Require C++17 for building SimpleITK.
* Update GTest Superbuild version to 1.13.0
* Update Swig Superbuild version to 4.1.1
* Various C++17 modernization in testing include more usage of initializer lists, and namespaces.
* Change PimpleImageBase to return unique_ptr over raw.
* Address unused return value in image transform point methods and in transform tests.
* Use unique_ptr for Transform interface.
* Remove references to legacy SITK_4D_IMAGES definition.
* Enable ITK_LEGACY_REMOVE by default in SuperBuild.
* Update ITK enum to remove legacy enums type.
* Update to CSharp DotNet version 4 by default.
* Update SimpleITK Superbuild Lua to 5.4.4 and enable usage of Lua 5.4.
* Remove disutils and from Python packaging fallback.
* Add pyproject.toml to address wheel dependency warning.
* Add baseline images for `LaplacianSharpening` to update for ITK v5.4 changes.
* Update SuperBuild Lua version to 5.4.6.
* Many continuous integration improvements.



Announcing the SimpleITK 2.3 Release Candidate 2!

This is expected to be the final RC before the 2.3.0 release. Users and developers are encouraged to test the RC before the final release and report issues, bugs, and any compatibility problems.

Installing SimpleITK

Complete instructions on getting started with SimpleITK including downloading binaries or building SimpleITK can be found on the SimpleITK [Read the Docs web page](

Python Binary Downloads

- Python binary wheels are available for download. It is important to have the latest version of pip for correct wheel compatibility and installation. To install the latest SimpleITK package from GitHub releases:

python -m pip install --upgrade pip
python -m pip install --pre SimpleITK --find-links

Release Notes

Behavior Changes

* Removed Python 3.7 packaging.
* Restore functions for static members like ImageSeriesReader_GetGDCMSeriesIDs (restores 2.2 behavior).

SWIG 4.1.0 change behavior to removing flattened static methods for objects. The compatible behavior can be restored by adding `-flatstaticmethod` argument to SWIG. The SimpleITK_PYTHON_FLATSTATICMETHOD CMake variable has been added to control the usage of this flag. It is currently enabled by default and is planned to default to OFF in future releases.


* Add baseline images for `LaplacianSharpening` to update for ITK v5.4 changes.
* Update Superbuild Lua version to 5.4.6
* Additional CI changes.

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