- fixed some spelling mistakes - improved code documentation - a bit more Typehints - `send_data(data, client)` now raises TypeError if data is Socket_Response, and the type of data.response is not supported
- improved event system for `await_event()` - new class Server_Client - new class Socket_Response - new class Exception_Collection - new class Better_Exception - new class Event - new class Event_System - bugfixes
- filepath isn't required anymore in the securesockets - user and pw variables can now be changed with `login_data(user, password)` instead of in `connect()` - more decisions in `send_data()` for securesockets - changed `disconnect()` function. It disconnects and calls the `__init__()` function after. - bugfixes
- improved RSA speed - improved security in the self-made secure socket - importing classes in `__init__.py` - new exception collecting system - added `close()` functions to Server and Client - added support for python keyword `with`
Not secure
- improved code documentation - improved documentation - removed ipv6 support - first tests - small additions - small changes
Not secure
- added `await_event(timeout=0)` function to the Client and Server - added documentation to the code - added `Address` property to the Client - added `SetupError` - changed Project build - bugfixes