* Fixed Circular dependency if `ConfigStore` used without importing `ConfigHub`
* Ticket https://github.com/PandaHugMonster/py-simputils-config/issues/38
* Structure of tests is adjusted to replicate the issue with tests
* This is a quick fix through a small hack of pre-importing `ConfigHub` for the project.
The hack should be refactored eventually.
* Added `none_considered_empty` (default `False`) argument for `ConfigStore`, that considers any `None` value
for parsing as "undefined", which prevents overriding previous aggregated config value with `None`.
Heavily useful in combination with `argparser`, because `None` values from `argparser` might
damage config-default values.
* Added a few typical examples in [examples](../examples) folder
* [example-quick-configs.py](../examples/example-quick-configs.py)
* [example-config-from-argparser.py](../examples/example-config-from-argparser.py)
* [example-config-from-env-vars.py](../examples/example-config-from-env-vars.py)
* Fixed a bug with applied confs history, when argparser's `Namespace` is displayed as `ConfigStore` instead of `args`
when `ConfigHub` is used.
* Added alias-property `history` for `applied_confs` of `ConfigStore`
* Fixed a small bug with incorrect `ConfigStoreType` used when `ConfigStore` merged, causing some
merged history items to be mis-represented as `dict` instead of correct `ConfigStore` type.