* Genomes that encode proteins with translation table 4 are now supported. This
works by assuming all genomes have translation table 4, since regular sequence
similarity search excludes inappropriately translated sequences from genomes
which use table 11 (the standard bacterial table). Thanks to Dr. Andy Leu for
useful test cases. NOTE: The `renew` mode is not sufficient for detecting
these lineages, `pipe` must be run again from scratch.
* new_package_creation (beta): A snakemake pipeline included in the `extras`
directory used to create new SingleM metapackages from scratch. In
development. Thanks for harmonydouwes tvtv195 JemmaSun for testing.
* Version S3.2.1 of the default metapackage released, which includes updated
genome sizes for GTDB genomes (for use with `read_fraction`), now corrected
based on CheckM v2 estimates of completeness and contamination. Thanks to
EisenRa for collaboration.
* `seqs`: Output the best window position to STDOUT.
* Other assorted bug fixes and documentation updates.