
Latest version: v0.10.0

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<!-- Release notes generated using configuration in .github/release.yml at main -->
* Updates to for compatibility with xarray, numpy, and protobuf
* Updated to support Python versions 3.10-3.13
* Improvements to parsing data from Wyoming upper air as well as support for requesting the server to recalculate data
* Fixes for issues working with catalogs from Hyrax servers
* Eliminated some NCSS warnings when accessing data from a server running TDS v5
* Improved error message when using the IGRA2 client
What's Changed
Enhancements 😄
* Cleanup NCSS warnings by dopplershift in
* Make parsing Wyoming post-data values more robust by dopplershift in
* Update site/date/time for Wyoming Example by dopplershift in
* Improve igra2 date error message by dopplershift in
* Recalculate Wyoming by tmharty in
Bugs Fixed 🐛
* Fix dataset parsing for Hyrax catalogs by dopplershift in
* Fix oceandata hyrax catalog issues by dopplershift in
Other Changes
* MNT: move siphon source to src/ directory by akrherz in
* MNT: move tests out of src and into tests/ by akrherz in
* MNT: replace versioneer with setuptools_scm by akrherz in
* Update Python versions by dopplershift in
* MNT: move content into setup.cfg by akrherz in
* MNT: Fix WyomingUpperAir height folding by dcamron in
* Change default branch to 'main' by dopplershift in
* Update linting workflow by dopplershift in
* Bump protobuf to 5.28.2 by dopplershift in
* Miscellaneous Cleanups by dopplershift in
* Expand documentation on indexing and interation for DatasetCollection by deeplycloudy in

New Contributors
* akrherz made their first contribution in
* rpmanser made their first contribution in
* dcamron made their first contribution in
* tmharty made their first contribution in
* tkschuler made their first contribution in

**Full Changelog**:


* Fix for xarray >= 0.16
* Include precipitable water values in data returned from Wyoming's Upper Air Archive
* Add ability to interpolate NaNs in data returned from Iowa State archive

dopplershift, DanielWatkins, TomAugspurger, PharaohCola13, kmosiejczuk, zbruick, AodhanSweeney, jrleeman, story645 contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed
* [Issue 320]( - Fix error in IGRA2-Derived wind column
* [Issue 312]( - Incompatibility with xarray>=0.16
* [Issue 290]( - dataset.remote_access(use_xarray=True) broken by xarray v0.14
* [Issue 285]( - Add flag for returning clean IAState UpperAir data
* [Issue 273]( - Change IGRA2 data access from FTP to HTTP
* [Issue 265]( - Update NDBC for Pandas
* [Issue 257]( - Sounding Error Message
* [Issue 244]( - Time Range Warning

In this release 8 issues were closed.
Pull Requests Merged
* [PR 334]( - Add mode option for remote_open(), by dopplershift
* [PR 319]( - Updating GitHub Infrastructure, by dopplershift
* [PR 298]( - precipitable water import, by PharaohCola13
* [PR 293]( - Include tests in PyPI tarball, by kmosiejczuk
* [PR 291]( - Update xarray FrozenDict call , by zbruick
* [PR 287]( - Add flag for IAState to interpolate NaNs , by zbruick
* [PR 283]( - Add warning if time range is invalid, by zbruick
* [PR 278]( - MNT: Update flake8-docstrings config, by dopplershift
* [PR 269]( - MNT: flake8 and datetime fixes for Travis, by zbruick
* [PR 267]( - Spc, by AodhanSweeney
* [PR 256]( - MNT: Fix bad escape codes, by dopplershift
* [PR 255]( - DOC: Add conda instructions to installation guide, by story645
* [PR 251]( - Set dataset ID attribute, by jrleeman
* [PR 249]( - MNT: Silence a bunch of warnings about np.fromstring(), by dopplershift

In this release 14 pull requests were closed.



* Added client for National Data Buoy Center text data
* Added `session_manager.set_session_options` to set options for Siphon-created HTTP sessions. This allows setting basic HTTP authentication.
* Support downloading data for stations without an ICAO for Wyoming archive
* Support downloading data for all stations from IEM upper air archive
* Support opening using XArray in `TDSCatalog.remote_access()`
* Bug fixes for IGRA2


DanielWatkins, haileyajohnson, jthielen, swnesbitt, lesserwhirls, jrleeman, and dopplershift contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 238]( - Accessing Wyoming Soundings no ICAO Station ID ([PR 239](
* [Issue 229]( - Add xarray option for `remote_access()`
* [Issue 226]( - IGRA-2 - bug in flagging missing dewpoint values
* [Issue 224]( - Add default filename for download
* [Issue 222]( - Better Server Error Handling ([PR 242](
* [Issue 221]( - Calucated relative humidity overestimating by a tens in IGRA derived
* [Issue 215]( - Suport netCDFServer name
* [Issue 204]( - IGRA2 Cassette Missing
* [Issue 117]( - Basic authentication ([PR 242](

In this release 9 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 243]( - ENH: Add the option to return xarray from catalog helpers (Fixes #229)
* [PR 242]( - HTTP Client updates ([222](, [117](
* [PR 241]( - Add NDBC simple web service
* [PR 239]( - Add capability to deal with stations with no identifier from Wyoming ([238](
* [PR 235]( - ENH: Make IGRA2 tests run offline (Fixes #204)
* [PR 234]( - Implement all-station IEM Upper Air request
* [PR 231]( - Maintenance
* [PR 227]( - Fix for IGRA dewpoint calculation
* [PR 223]( - Fix error in IGRA2-derived relative humidity columns
* [PR 220]( - Doc updates
* [PR 219]( - corrected bug where na_values were bypassed

In this release 11 pull requests were closed.



* Changed license from MIT to BSD 3-clause (to match MetPy and other Unidata projects)
* Added client for downloading data from the Applied Climate Information System (ACIS) (thanks to WEP11)
* Added client for downloading upper air data from Integrated Global Radiosonde Archive (IGRA) Version 2 (thanks to DanielWatkins)
* Added client for accessing upper air data from the Iowa Environment Mesonet (IEM)
* Improved metadata available in upper air data
* Fixed a variety of minor bugs in catalog parsing

DanielWatkins, pjpokran, WEP11, lesserwhirls, jrleeman, and dopplershift contributed code to this release.

Issues Closed

* [Issue 205]( - IAState No Data Handling ([PR 207](
* [Issue 203]( - Add unit helper for pandas data frames
* [Issue 202]( - Add example of pulling out data with unit from soundings ([PR 210](
* [Issue 192]( - no attribute 'LazilyIndexedArray'
* [Issue 189]( - Add time to upper air data ([PR 206](
* [Issue 179]( - Failure to get access urls ([PR 188](
* [Issue 176]( - Add `region` kwarg to documentation for upper air data requests ([PR 199](
* [Issue 175]( - License change ([PR 198](
* [Issue 172]( - Siphon default regex in siphon/ fails for days 30/31
* [Issue 156]( - Add IEM Upper Air Archive ([PR 193](

In this release 10 issues were closed.

Pull Requests Merged

* [PR 211]( - Fix documentation build
* [PR 210]( - Add attaching units to upper air example ([202](
* [PR 209]( - Cleanup doc config
* [PR 208]( - BUG: Fix check for latest on CompoundService
* [PR 207]( - Upper air no data available testing ([205](
* [PR 206]( - Sounding metadata ([189](
* [PR 201]( - MNT: Improve logging set up
* [PR 200]( - Doc enhancements ([181](
* [PR 199]( - UW sounding regions ([176](
* [PR 198]( - Update LICENSE and general maintenance ([175](
* [PR 196]( - BUG: Not all ACIS tests were using VCR
* [PR 195]( - MNT: Remove calls to dict.keys()
* [PR 194]( - MNT: Fix with xarray 0.10.2 (Fixes #192)
* [PR 193]( - Port Iowa State Soundings from MetPy ([156](
* [PR 191]( - Modify state borders for Cartopy 0.16
* [PR 188]( - BUG: Fix embedded metadata elements ([179](
* [PR 187]( - BUG: Fix error path in HTTPEndPoint
* [PR 183]( - Fix build
* [PR 177]( - Adds for ACIS Web Services functionality
* [PR 173]( - Change line 44 to include 0123 for day instead of 012
* [PR 171]( - MNT: Fix xarray support with xarray 0.10

In this release 21 pull requests were closed.


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