Build wheels for Python 3.13. No other code changes since v0.8.0.post1
Build wheels for Python 3.12. No other code changes since v0.8.0.
- Update embedded libskia to chrome/m113 branch - Dropped support for Python 3.7 which reached end of life, we now require python 3.8 or greater. - Added support for special TrueType-style closed contours without on-curve points in the PathPen and Path.draw interface (45, 66).
Support variable number of points in PathPen curveTo/qCurveTo methods, following fontTools BasePen protocol and UFO GLIF spec (63).
Added pre-compiled wheels for Python 3.11
Added support for finding skia using pkg-config to allow building skia-pathops using system or externally compiled libskia. To enable that you must export BUILD_SKIA_FROM_SOURCE=0 environment varible to disable building embedded libskia from source (54).