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<summary><i>Click here to show more.</i></summary>
In this version, we have made the following changes:
1. ✨ **NEW!**: Now, `stone` can not only be run on **the command line**, but can also be **imported** into other
projects for use. Check [this](9-used-as-a-library-by-importing-into-other-projects) for more details.
* We expose the `process` and `show` functions in the `stone` package.
2. ✨ **NEW!**: We add `URL` support for the input images.
* Now, you can specify the input image as a URL, e.g., `https://example.com/images/pic.jpg`. Of course, you can mix
the URLs and local filenames.
3. ✨ **NEW!**: We add **recursive search** support for the input images.
* Now, when you specify the input image as a directory, e.g., `./path/to/images/`.
The app will search all images in the directory recursively.
4. 🧬 **CHANGE!**: We change the column header in `result.csv`:
* `prop` => `percent`
* `PERLA` => `tone label`
5. 🐛 **FIX!**: We fixed a bug where the app would not correctly sort files that did not contain numbers in their