
Latest version: v0.0.4

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New features
* :class:`visbrain.objects.SourceObj.project_sources` can now be projected to a specific overlay.

* Fix colormap update for every recording modality
* Colormap computed onto the GPU for : spectrogram, phase-amplitude coupling, images, 3D images, brain object, grid signals
* Sorted brain templates in :class:`visbrain.Brain` + remove sulcus as a brain template
* Fewer visible possibilities when importing from the root of visbrain
* Remove all data from the visbrain package
* Include MIST ROI template to the :class:`visbrain.objects.RoiObj`
* Enable to filter ROIs from the Brain GUI

Bug fixes
* Brain scaling in :class:`visbrain.mne.mne_plot_source_estimation`
* Recursive folder creation for brain template
* Select from the GUI brain template build with vertices and faces
* Repeat source localization using the same RoiObj
* Colorbar module has been removed and replaced by CbarObj
* Insert annotation inside Signal
* Smoothing for MEG data (`PR20 <>`_)



New features

* You can now :ref:`replace_detection` using the :class:`visbrain.Sleep.replace_detections` method.
* Add activations (:class:`visbrain.objects.CrossSecObj.set_activation`) and highlight multiple sources (:class:`visbrain.objects.CrossSecObj.highlight_sources`) inside the :class:`visbrain.objects.CrossSecObj`
* Plot MNE sources :class:`visbrain.mne.mne_plot_source_space`


* :class:`visbrain.objects.CrossSecObj` : much faster + colormap computed onto the GPU + superposition of multiple mask + keyboard interactions

Bug fixes

* :class:`visbrain.objects.BrainObj.parcellize` using nibabel >= 2.3
* colorbar control of :class:`visbrain.objects.Picture3DObj` object
* add multiple objects to the :class:`visbrain.objects.SceneObj` with *row_span* and / or *col_span* > 1
* path to brain templates
* loading hypnogram with spaces instead of tabs
* Fix :class:`visbrain.mne.mne_plot_source_estimation` with left and right hemispheres
* Fix activations that disappear using :class:`visbrain.Brain.brain_control`
* Fix x and y axis update inside :class:`visbrain.Signal`
* Reading Nifti files with NaN values



New features

* Plot MNE estimated sources :class:`visbrain.mne.mne_plot_source_estimation`


* JSON saving for configuration file

Bug fixes

* visbrain installation (no requirements file)
* compatibility with numpy and pip
* broken examples + templates/ folder
* Hypnogram is now exported as a .txt file with stage-duration encoding.
* .xlsx and EDF+ are now supported for hypnogram
* units when loading with MNE
* warning in UTF-8 file loading
* compatibility with numpy and pip



New features

* Multitaper-based spectrogram (require `lspopt <>`_ package, see doc)


* Added logging
* Code improvements: PEP8 and flake8
* automatic spindles detection
* Simplified and improved Sleep GUI
* Removed drag-and-drop method for hypnogram scoring



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