The data pipeline is reworked in order to make room for easier usage and more optimized processing. The code now supports:
* RESP API-alike behavior with `app.route('/some/path')` which will pipe the `WS_FRAME` object into the given function for processing if the data sent in the frame is `{'_module' : '/some/path'}`.
* `WS_FRAME` is now passed around instead of various functions, variables and references.
* supports event overrides such as `app.on_close`
* **New version breaks WS_FRAME.large_payload` sized packets**. Only supports up to 255 bytes of payloads again *(for now, need to rework the logic a bit to fix better in this new model)*
Prior to release party, a bunch of tests have to be made. But also a lot of work on the `huge_payload` and `large_payload` frames. As they were dropped in favor of annotation-development - but will be fixed before release party.