What's New
This release contains the following features:
* Supports Python 3.6+
* Easy-to-setup pip installation at [www.pypi.org/project/SLUSpell](https://pypi.org/project/SLUSpell/).
* Deployed version can be accessed at [www.sluspell.com](http://www.sluspell.com/).
* Improvement on dictionaries and compression.
* Some simple user guides and accessibility features added.
* The runtime improvement by simplifying some preprocessing rules.
* Improvement accuracy with **%91.78** on a broad set of test cases, including standard web tags and characters.
* The average runtime is about **0.2 s**, including preprocessing, postprocessing, API call, and frontend displaying process.
* MahdiRahbar
* Annoyed-Raven
* nicoprudencio
* Bandisaiprasad
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/MahdiRahbar/SLUSpell/commits/0.2.0