This minor release updates the build system used to [Poetry], updates the
``smqtk-core`` package dependency to a version >= 0.18.0 (the current release)
and makes use of its importlib metadata pass-through.
Updates / New Features
* Remove dependency on ``setuptool``'s ``pkg_resources`` module.
Taking the stance of bullet number 5 in from [Python's Packaging User-guide]
with regards to getting this package's version.
The "needs to be installed" requirement from before is maintained.
* Added ``ipython`` (and appropriately supporting version of ``jedi``) as
development dependencies.
Minimum versioning is set to support python 3.6 (current versions follow
[NEP 29] and thus require python 3.7+).
* Revised documentation from the raw-from-mono-repo form into the start
something more appropriate to this specific package.
* Now standardize to using [Poetry] for environment/build/publish management.
* Collapsed pytest configuration into the ``pyproject.toml`` file.
* Added terminal-output coverage report in the standard pytest config in the
``pyproject.toml`` file.
* Update CI configurations to use [Poetry].
[Poetry]: https://python-poetry.org/
[Python's Packaging User-guide]: https://packaging.python.org/guides/single-sourcing-package-version/
[NEP 29]: https://packaging.python.org/guides/single-sourcing-package-version/