**Includes Potentially Breaking Changes:**
Previously `smtpdfix` would load a `.env` file automatically using `python-dotenv`. This behaviour has been corrected and .env files must be loaded separately.
Previous versions used port 8025 by default, as of version 0.5.0 a random port is used instead.
- As of version 0.5.0 Smtpdfix no longer uses `python-dotenv` to load a `.env` file by default. [Issue 274](https://github.com/bebleo/smtpdfix/274) reported by [Emmanuel Belair (e-belair)](https://github.com/e-belair)
- A random unused port is used instead of the default 8025 port. [Issue 820](https://github.com/bebleo/smtpdfix/issues/280) reported by [Éloi Rivard](https://github.com/azmeuk)
- Replaced the deprecated key `license_file` with `license_files` as per warning during build.