
Latest version: v0.7.0

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- add support for building with Intel Fortran compiler
- added new neural network trained on RAM-SCB model (valid inside 6.6Re)
- Nearly all classes inherit from PbData, which is a subclass of SpaceData.
- All add_* plotting methods have unified "target" and "loc" kwargs for selecting where to place plots.
- New submodule: dgcpm, for handling the DGCPM model input/output.
- New class: NgdcIndex, for handling NGDC input data for SWMF runs.
- Bats2d class: stream tracing navigates native quadtree.
- Bats2d class: arbitrary interpolation of data to any X,Y point(s).
- Bats2d class: new variable calculations, including gradients.
- Bats2d class: better handling of multi-species/fluid variables.
- Bats2d class: unification of add_pcolor and add_contour syntax.
- New class: ram.BoundaryGroup for handling groups of boundary files.
- Expanded documentation for classes and methods.
- fixed bug in time types with pre-3.4.1 CDF library
- provide new CDF.raw_var method to give access to variables without
any translation.
- added functions to translate between EPOCH, EPOCH16, TT2000 without going
through datetime.
- add options to to allow specification of variable compression
at creation time.
- sort lists of variables, attributes by name instead of number.
- fixed bug in addition/subtraction of Ticktocks


- Removed deprecated functions/classes
- time
- Tickdelta class (use datetime.timedelta)
- num2date, date2num functions (use matplotlib.dates)
- toolbox
- printfig, smartTimeTicks, applySmartTimeTicks, timestamp functions
(moved to plot.utils)
- leapyear, randomDate functions (moved to time)
- Minor bugfixes and speed-ups across package
- Expanded unit-testing
- Changed download prompt on install to information only
- output from datamodel to JSON-headed ASCII added
- output from datamodel to NASA CDF added
- new methods on dmarrays (append, concatenate, h/v/dstack)
- fixed bug in getPlasmaPause implementation of Moldwin et al., 2002 model
- getPlasmaPause accepts optional dict-like of inputs instead of calling omni module
- updated to latest revision of IRBEM library (rev425)


- Substantial updates to documentation
- including publication list, case studies
- Minor bugfixes throughout
- Expanded unit testing
- Several functions deprecated:
- toolbox.leap_year (use time.leapyear)
- Several previously deprecated functions removed:
- toolbox.makePoly (use matplotlib.pyplot.fill_between)
- Several functions moved:
- leapyear: from toolbox to time
- randomDate: from toolbox to time
- applySmartTimeTicks, smartTimeTicks, printfig, timestamp:
from toolbox to plot.utils
- Number of base level imports limited
- MAJOR BUG in IRBEM library (T01S and TS04 models) fixed.
- new count method on dmarray
- HDF5 output now supports many more types
- output from datamodel to HTML table added
- Updated IRBEM library (including major bugfix to T01S and TS04)
- 'custom' internal B-field model set to Dungey model (dipole + uniform)
- revised multiprocessing of get_Lstar to use standard library
- new get_Lm function
- LANLstar v3 (with improved UI) now packaged with SpacePy
- Fortran backend replaced (now requires ffnet Python package)
- additional OMNI parameters added to hourly database
- Convert to numpy-based backend, substantially faster/more flexible
- Speed up extending variables with additional data (roughly 4x as fast)
- Better integration with datamodel
- Deletion bug still present in CDF 3.4; extend workaround to later version
- Support for new CDF_TIME_TT2000 variable type
- Ticktock is now iterable and adds/subtracts datetime.timedeltas
- Ticktock time storage is array-based and now has insert and remove methods
- Timedelta has been deprecated (use datetime.timedelta)
- hypot function speed-up
- update function:can specify HTTP User Agent in config file


- Overhaul of all documentation for better organization and clarify
- New C backends speed up several functions in toolbox and time
- Minor bugfixes throughout
- Support for newer compilers on Windows
- Include Fortran runtime with Windows binary installers
- Support for JSON-headed ASCII data read/write
- New pitch angle model
- PWOM added
- New EventClicker to manually identify event times on a plot


- new config file structure
- overhaul of source distribution build
- __contact__ attribute added to each SpacePy module (FR: 3424949)
- HDF5 file object closure on dump to HDF5
- file overwriting is now possible in toHDF using overwrite keyword
- warnings added for incompatible data types on dump to HDF5
- reformatted example in dist_to_list
- hypot now takes multiple args or an iterable
- pmm now handles NaN
- tOverlap/tOverlapHalf now return iterators for presorted input
- forcedate keyword added to linspace
- EventTimer added
- bin_edges_to_center added to perform inverse of extant bin_center_to_edges
- listUniq deprecated in favor of numpy.unique
- feq deprecated in favor of numpy.allclose
- fixed Sea2d failure caused by incomplete migration to base class for all Sea types
- New subpackage plot added to SpacePy (still in heavy development)
- spectrogram function added
- pybats is now an extension module
- major upgrades to internals (qdtree implementation, use of datamodel)
- new Kyoto index handler

Additional typo fixes in documentation, Py3k compatibility updates and unit test updates


Original release of SpacePy



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