Released on May 30, 2016.
- Added :mod:`sphinxcontrib.autohttp.flaskqref` for generating quick reference
table. [:oldpull:`80`, :oldpull:`100` by Harry Raaymakers]
- :rst:dir:`autoflask` now supports ``:modules:`` and ``:undoc-modules:``
arguments, used to filter documented flask endpoints by view module
[:oldpull:`102` by Ivelin Slavov]
- Added ``:order:`` option to :rst:dir:`autoflask` directive.
[:oldpull:`103` by Justin Gruca]
- HTTP message headers become to link the recent RFCs (:rfc:`7230`, :rfc:`7231`,
:rfc:`7232`, :rfc:`7233`, :rfc:`7234`, :rfc:`7235`, :rfc:`7236`, :rfc:`7237`,
that are separated to multiple RFCs from the old one) instead of :rfc:`2615`
which is replaced by them in 2014.
[:oldpull:`105`, :oldpull:`106` by Alex C. (iscandr)]
- Support ``resolve_any_xref`` method introduced since Sphinx 1.3
[:oldpull:`108` by Takayuki Shimizukawa]
- It no more warns non-standard message headers without ``X-`` prefix
according as the deprecation of the practice of prefixing the names of
unstandardized parameters with ``X-`` in all IETF protocols since June 2012
by :rfc:`6648`. [:oldpull:`114` by Dolan Murvihill]
- Fixed performance bottleneck in doctree lookup by adding a cache for it.
[:oldpull:`115` by Kai Lautaportti]
- Added :http:statuscode:`451` to :rst:role:`http:statuscode`.
[:oldpull:`117` by Xavier Oliver]