* Support: Removes support for Sphinx version <3.0 (Sphinx 2.x may still work, but it gets not tested).
* Improvement: Internal change to poetry, nox and github actions.
(`216 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/216>`_)
* Bugfix: Need-service calls get mocked during tests, so that tests don't need reachable external services anymore.
* Bugfix: No warning is thrown anymore, if :ref:`needservice` can't find a service config in ``conf.py``
(`168 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/168>`_)
* Bugfix: Needs nodes get ``ids`` set directly, to avoid empty ids given by sphinx or other extensions for need-nodes.
(`193 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/193>`_)
* Bugfix: :ref:`needimport` supports extra options and extra fields.
(`227 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/227>`_)
* Bugfix: Checking for ending `/` of given github api url.
(`187 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/187>`_)
* Bugfix: Using correct indention for pre and post_template function of needs.
* Bugfix: Certain log message don't use python internal `id` anymore.
(`257 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/225>`_)
* Bugfix: JS-code for meta area collapse is working again.
(`242 <https://github.com/useblocks/sphinxcontrib-needs/issues/242>`_)