
Latest version: v0.9.11

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- Bug fixes:
- fix gain in CEDRecordingExtractor
- fix loading grouping infor from Phy

- New extractors:
- AxonaExtractor (NEO-based for axona .bin files)
- AxonaUnitExtractor (for axona unit mode)
- SpikeGadgetsRecordingExtractor (NEO-based)


- Bug fixes:
- fixed locations in `SpikeGLXRecordingExtractor`

- New extractors:
- OpenEphysNPIXExtractor (for neuropixels open ephys files)
- NeuropixelsDatExtractor (for raw neuropixels dat files)

- Updates to Extractors:
- NwbExtractors: added `write_scaled` and `use_times` arguments
- NeuroscopeExtractors: handle multiple chanks
- MaxOne and MaxTwo Recording and Sorting Extraxtors
- Removed Mea1kRecordingExtractor

- New features:
- added `return_scaled` argument to `get_traces`
- added base scaling mechanism in `get_traces` using new key_properties `gain` and `offset`
- added base support for timestamps with `set_times` function both for RecordingExtraxctor and SortingExtractor
- added `annotations` to `BaseExtractor`


- Bug fixes:
- fixed bug in h5 formats when unsorted channel_ids are used in get_traces
- `copy_epochs` function copies epochs for Sub and Multi extractors
- better handling of memmap objects from base extractor

- New extractors:
- CEDRecordingExtractor (for .smrx files)
- YassSortingExtractor (for YASS sorter)
- CombinatoSortingExtractor (for Combinato sorter)
- BlackRock extractors (neo-based)
- CellExplorerSortingExtractor

- Updates to Extractors:
- NwbExtractors: handling of metadata and use timestamps instead of rate
- NeuroscopeExtractors: handle multiple chanks
- Mea1k and MaxOne: load spike rates and amplitudes and added SortingExtractors
- MEArec: update for `MEArec >= 1.5`
- SpikeGLX: support for lf and nidq files, support for cbin compression

- New features:
- implemented `get_ttl_events` functionin base `RecordingExtractor` and for: `OpenEphysRecordingExtractor`, `IntanRecordingExtractor`, `SpikeGLXRecordingExtractor`, `Mea1kRecordingExtractor`, `MaxOneRecordingExtractor`
- `time_to_frame` and `frame_to_time` can handle arrays as input


- Support for pynwb >= 1.3.3
- Improved NWB sorting extractor
- Added NeuroscopeRecordingExtractor
- Added HDsort sorting extractor
- Added WaveClusSortingExtractor
- Various bug fixes



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