What's Changed
* added PD modality, added code to not normalize to [0,1500] by Hendrik-code in https://github.com/Hendrik-code/spineps/pull/33
* erode uses deprecated key by robert-graf in https://github.com/Hendrik-code/spineps/pull/36
* Update by Hendrik-code in https://github.com/Hendrik-code/spineps/pull/37
* update workflow to upload code coverage. updated readme with more badges by Hendrik-code in https://github.com/Hendrik-code/spineps/pull/38
* added tptbox to dev dependency by Hendrik-code in https://github.com/Hendrik-code/spineps/pull/39
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/Hendrik-code/spineps/compare/v1.2.1...v1.3.0