In this release qtwebkit is updated to a more recent version.
It is still the same rendering engine, but with some bugs fixed
(e.g. handling of redirects where ` is present),
and with HTTP2 support enabled.
In addition to webkit, Splash 3.4 got an experimental
Chromium support (v73.0.3683.105); it can be enabled per-request using
:ref:`engine <arg-engine>` argument of render.html, render.png and render.jpeg
endpoints: ``engine=chromium``. It is in pre-alpha stage, and not suggested
to use in production: many (most) features don't work, there are known bugs.
Main new features:
* Splash now supports HTTP2, and it's enabled by default. It can be
disabled with :ref:`http2 <arg-http2>` argument, and with
:ref:`request:set_http2_enabled <splash-request-set-http2-enabled>`
or :ref:`splash-http2-enabled` in Lua scripts.
* new ``--dont-log-args`` startup option allows to replace certain
argument values with ``"***"`` in logs. Use it for sensitive data or for
arguments with long values which you don't want in logs, e.g.
``--dont-log-args=lua_source,mypassword``. Note that sensitive data
may still appear in logs, e.g. if you pass it
via GET parameters instead of POST.
Other improvements and bug fixes:
* ``--browser-engines`` startup option allows to disable browser
engines globally;
* Max allowed viewport size is increased.
* For requests which are cancelled (e.g. because client closed a connection)
GlobalTimeoutError error no longer appears in logs; it is CancelledError
now instead.
* In case of timeouts, error dict returned to the user now contains
"remaining" field with the time remaining, in seconds.
It should be negative in most cases (no time remaining => timeout happens).
Requests are cancelled not at exact timeout time, there is a small
difference, and "remaining" field gives a visibility into that.
* Better log messages on segfaults (faulthandler is enabled).
* More robust handling of internal errors in the API.
* DelayedCall objects are now tracked.
* Fixed incorrect exception when error happens in ``splash:autoload()`` script.
* Dockerfile is rewritten to use multi-stage builds; ``provision.sh``
script is split into several smaller scripts. This makes development easier,
e.g. large downloads (qt, etc.) are now cached.
* Testing improvements.
Dependency updates:
* qtwebkit is updated to 5.212/1570542016 snapshot.
* Qt is updated to 5.13.1; PyQt is updated to 5.13.1.
* Ubuntu 18.04 is used as the base docker image.
* Splash now uses Python 3.6.
* Twisted is updated to 19.7.0.