- When using DuckDB, you can now pass `duckdb.DuckDBPyRelation`s as input tables to the `Linker` ([2375](
- It's now possible to fix values for `m` and `u` probabilities in the settings such that they are not updated/changed during training. ([2379](
- All charts can now be returned as vega lite spec dictionaries ([2361](
- Completeness chart now works correctly with indexed columns in spark ([2309](
- Completeness chart works even if you have a `source_dataset` column ([2323](
- `SQLiteAPI` can now be instantiated without error when opting not to register custom UDFs ([2342](
- Splink now runs properly when working in read-only filesystems ([2357](
- Infinite Bayes factor no longer causes SQL error in `Spark` ([2372](
- `splink_datasets` is now functional in read-only filesystems ([2378](