
Latest version: v0.5.2

Safety actively analyzes 701340 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Universal wheels have been dropped in favor of Python3-specific wheels (388)

* Fixed an issue where the football modules were not accessible (386)


* Added advanced kicking stats for NCAAF players (381)

* Fixed an issue where the football modules would throw HTTP errors on invalid pages (380)
* Fixed an issue where NFL schedules showed incorrect years for some playoff games (378)
* Fixed an issue where NFL rosters would throw a `ParserError` if a player's page didn't exist (377)
* Fixed an issue where MLB players would be attached to the wrong teams in the `Boxscores` class (369)
* Fixed an issue where attempting to pull NCAAB teams would throw an error for older seasons (366)
* Fixed an issue where rushing and receiving stats weren't displayed for some NCAAF players (364)
* Fixed an issue where a `ParserError` would be thrown while attempting to pull NBA rosters (359)

**Dependency Updates**
* Updated urllib3 to 1.25.8
* Updated certifi to 2020.4.5.1
* Updated pyparsing to 2.4.7
* Removed atomicwrites, importlib-metadata, and zipp from dependency list


* Added support for FBRef - now able to pull stats, schedules, and rosters for over 5000 international football (soccer) teams (356, 335)
* Added fields for NFL playoff placements and results (310)
* Added game summaries for MLB, NCAAB, NBA, NFL, and NCAAF boxscores (307, 305, 303, 287, 282)
* Added support for Python 3.8 (280)
* Added College Football Playoff (CFP) rankings (278)

* Fixed an issue in the NCAAB Player class that would cause the code to throw an error if a player didn't have a weight listed on their page (357)

**Dependency Updates**
* Updated wcwidth to 0.1.9
* Updated numpy to 1.18.2
* Updated packaging to 20.3
* Updated more-itertools to 8.2.0
* Updated six to 1.14.0
* Updated coverage to 5.0.4
* Updated certifi to 2019.11.28
* Updated requests to 2.22.0
* Updated pytest to 5.4.1
* Updated pyparsing to 2.4.6
* Updated pluggy to 0.13.1
* Updated py to 1.8.1
* Updated lxml to 4.5.0
* Updated idna to 2.9
* Updated importlib-metadata to 1.5.2


* Increased the limit of the number of concurrent GitHub Actions that could be run in parallel (273)

* Fixed an issue where GitHub Actions were only being triggered on pushes and not Pull Requests, preventing checks from running on contributions from forked repositories (253)
* Fixed a 404 error getting thrown while attempting to pull NFL stats (250)
* Fixed an issue where the NFL game result was displayed incorrectly in case of a tie or if the game hasn't been played yet (246)
* Fixed an issue where the incorrect NBA home team records were being captured (258)
* Fixed an encoding error being thrown in the exhaustive tests when a player with an accent in his/her name was printed on the Windows platforms (260)

**Dependency Updates**
* Updated pytest to 5.3.0
* Updated attrs to 19.3.0
* Updated pandas to 0.25.3
* Updated pytz to 2019.3
* Updated six to 1.13.0
* Updated urrlib3 to 1.25.7
* Updated numpy to 1.17.4
* Updated pyparsing to 2.4.5
* Updated pytest-cov to 2.8.1
* Updated python-dateutil to 2.8.1


* Switched support from Travis-CI to GitHub Actions for more comprehensive, reliable, and robust tests (208)

* Fixed an issue where the home and away scores were identical for NBA games (207)
* Fixed an issue with the exhaustive tests running duplicate actions (213)
* Added support for Peru to the MLB to resolve an error for an unsupported nationality (212)
* Fixed HTTP redirect issues in NCAAB module (216)
* Fixed an issue iterating over NFL schedules during the current season (220)
* Fixed an error that was thrown while attempting to pull empty NBA stats pages for future seasons (218)
* Fixed an issue where no players would be listed in NBA boxscores for older games (223)
* Resolved an error which was thrown when attempting to pull an NBA team's roster with an empty row (228)

**Dependency Updates**
* Updated pytest to 5.2.0
* Updated attrs to 19.2.0
* Updated urllib3 to 1.25.6


* Add defensive stats to NCAAF teams (194)

* Fixed erroneous failure in integration test for NBA Boxscores (201)
* Added support for NBA players from Chad, allowing the Rosters module to be used for all teams (202)

**Dependency Updates**
* Updated pytest to 5.1.3
* Updated urllib3 to 1.25.5
* Updated packaging to 19.2
* Updated importlib-metadata to 0.23
* Updated certify to 2019.9.11
* Updated pluggy to 0.13.0

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