Major update - Changed how distances are computed in gappy regions, increasing sensitivity - Swapped lognormal distribution for Weibull for better fit to diverse datasets - Fixed issue with writing NEXUS trimmed output - Streamlined distance calculations code
* Minor updates to previous major release * Now precision preserved in internal calculations, rounded only for writing * Installation instructions include Docker option
- Fixed issue preventing using manual cutoffs above 1 with lognorm criterion.
* Fixed issue plotting manual cutoffs with mean criterion, added some explanations around manual cutoffs to documentation, and added "manual" label to plots.
* Fixed incorrect plotting for samples where manual cutoffs are used * This is the JOSS publication release
Some major modifications to how `spruceup` is used:
* `spruceup` is now called as a python module rather than script * testing now easy thanks to `unittest` integrated with `setuptools` * incorporates feedback received through reviews for Journal of Open Source Software