What's Changed
* feat: change API to use a connection for serialization by michalc in https://github.com/michalc/sqlite-memory-vfs/pull/13
* docs: include closing in examples by michalc in https://github.com/michalc/sqlite-memory-vfs/pull/14
* refactor: remove unused import by michalc in https://github.com/michalc/sqlite-memory-vfs/pull/15
* perf: faster size check by michalc in https://github.com/michalc/sqlite-memory-vfs/pull/16
* docs: include 2GB limit on SQLite's built in functions, and how we work around it by michalc in https://github.com/michalc/sqlite-memory-vfs/pull/17
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/michalc/sqlite-memory-vfs/compare/v0.0.13...v0.0.14