>Because of ``weights_only=True``, this release breaks loading of policies when using PyTorch 1.13.
>Please upgrade to PyTorch >= 2.0 or upgrade SB3 version (we reverted the change in SB3 2.3.2)
SB3 Contrib (more algorithms): https://github.com/Stable-Baselines-Team/stable-baselines3-contrib
RL Zoo3 (training framework): https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo
Stable-Baselines Jax (SBX): https://github.com/araffin/sbx
To upgrade:
pip install stable_baselines3 sb3_contrib --upgrade
or simply (rl zoo depends on SB3 and SB3 contrib):
pip install rl_zoo3 --upgrade
Breaking Changes:
- The defaults hyperparameters of ``TD3`` and ``DDPG`` have been changed to be more consistent with ``SAC``
SB3 < 2.3.0 default hyperparameters
model = TD3("MlpPolicy", env, train_freq=(1, "episode"), gradient_steps=-1, batch_size=100)
SB3 >= 2.3.0:
model = TD3("MlpPolicy", env, train_freq=1, gradient_steps=1, batch_size=256)
> [!NOTE]
> Two inconsistencies remain: the default network architecture for ``TD3/DDPG`` is ``[400, 300]`` instead of ``[256, 256]`` for SAC (for backward compatibility reasons, see [report on the influence of the network size ](https://wandb.ai/openrlbenchmark/sbx/reports/SBX-TD3-Influence-of-policy-net--Vmlldzo2NDg1Mzk3)) and the default learning rate is 1e-3 instead of 3e-4 for SAC (for performance reasons, see [W&B report on the influence of the lr ](https://wandb.ai/openrlbenchmark/sbx/reports/SBX-TD3-RL-Zoo-v2-3-0a0-vs-SB3-TD3-RL-Zoo-2-2-1---Vmlldzo2MjUyNTQx>))
- The default ``learning_starts`` parameter of ``DQN`` have been changed to be consistent with the other offpolicy algorithms
SB3 < 2.3.0 default hyperparameters, 50_000 corresponded to Atari defaults hyperparameters
model = DQN("MlpPolicy", env, learning_starts=50_000)
SB3 >= 2.3.0:
model = DQN("MlpPolicy", env, learning_starts=100)
- For safety, ``torch.load()`` is now called with ``weights_only=True`` when loading torch tensors,
policy ``load()`` still uses ``weights_only=False`` as gymnasium imports are required for it to work
- When using ``huggingface_sb3``, you will now need to set ``TRUST_REMOTE_CODE=True`` when downloading models from the hub, as ``pickle.load`` is not safe.
New Features:
- Log success rate ``rollout/success_rate`` when available for on policy algorithms (corentinlger)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed ``monitor_wrapper`` argument that was not passed to the parent class, and dones argument that wasn't passed to ``_update_into_buffer`` (corentinlger)
- Added ``rollout_buffer_class`` and ``rollout_buffer_kwargs`` arguments to MaskablePPO
- Fixed ``train_freq`` type annotation for tqc and qrdqn (Armandpl)
- Fixed ``sb3_contrib/common/maskable/*.py`` type annotations
- Fixed ``sb3_contrib/ppo_mask/ppo_mask.py`` type annotations
- Fixed ``sb3_contrib/common/vec_env/async_eval.py`` type annotations
- Add some additional notes about ``MaskablePPO`` (evaluation and multi-process) (icheered)
[RL Zoo](https://github.com/DLR-RM/rl-baselines3-zoo)
- Updated defaults hyperparameters for TD3/DDPG to be more consistent with SAC
- Upgraded MuJoCo envs hyperparameters to v4 (pre-trained agents need to be updated)
- Added test dependencies to `setup.py` (power-edge)
- Simplify dependencies of `requirements.txt` (remove duplicates from `setup.py`)
[SBX (SB3 + Jax)](https://github.com/araffin/sbx)
- Added support for ``MultiDiscrete`` and ``MultiBinary`` action spaces to PPO
- Added support for large values for gradient_steps to SAC, TD3, and TQC
- Fix ``train()`` signature and update type hints
- Fix replay buffer device at load time
- Added flatten layer
- Added ``CrossQ``
- Updated black from v23 to v24
- Updated ruff to >= v0.3.1
- Updated env checker for (multi)discrete spaces with non-zero start.
- Added a paragraph on modifying vectorized environment parameters via setters (fracapuano)
- Updated callback code example
- Updated export to ONNX documentation, it is now much simpler to export SB3 models with newer ONNX Opset!
- Added video link to "Practical Tips for Reliable Reinforcement Learning" video
- Added ``render_mode="human"`` in the README example (marekm4)
- Fixed docstring signature for sum_independent_dims (stagoverflow)
- Updated docstring description for ``log_interval`` in the base class (rushitnshah).
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/DLR-RM/stable-baselines3/compare/v2.2.1...v2.3.0