- fixed problem with Scatter plot throwing an exception if a column in the STAMP profile contained a single feature
- fixed issue with unwanted border in extended error plots - added ability to sort heatmap rows by mean relative abundance - proper handling of metadata files with no features - added ability to restrict profile bar plots to only active features - added in legend option for multiple group PCA plots
- fixed installation issue with v2.1.0 which was causing dependencies of <code>six</code> to be missing
- fixes issues with _hierarchy_wrap for scipy >= 0.15.0
- more robust handling of metadata files with missing sample information - rows and columns in heatmap can now be sorted alphabetically - minor bug fixed to heatmap
- explicitly checks that STAMP profiles form a strict hierarchy - add checkHierarchy.py as a utility script for identifying non-hierarchical elements in profiles - allows generation of larger heatmaps