
Latest version: v1.0.3

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- Fixes a bug in which some intervention parameters (e.g. eligibility) do not get set properly.
- *GitHub info*: PR `639 <>`_


- Fixes a bug in which random numbers drawn from auto-jumped distributions would overlap with random numbers drawn from subsequent timesteps.
- *GitHub info*: PR `639 <>`_


- Adds a new distribution, ``ss.rand_raw()``, that samples raw integers from the random number bit generator, for use with calculating transmission. This version is roughly 20-30% faster than the previous implementation.
- Adds interpolation to age-standardized fertility rate (ASFR) data.
- Adds flexibility to ART initiation.
- *GitHub info*: PR `593 <>`_


- Official release of Starsim!
- Adds a ``Calibration`` class, based on `Optuna <>`_, to facilitate the calibration of Starsim models.
- Adds ``mean()``, ``median()``, and ``plot()`` methods to ``MultiSim``.
- Adds ``low`` and ``high`` attributes to ``Result`` objects.
- Adds a ``flatten()`` method to ``Results``, allowing nested ``Results`` objects to be turned into flat dictionaries.
- Removes duplicate UIDs among new infections, and adds a ``unique()`` method to ``ss.uids``.
- Fixes a bug that prevented ``ss.lognorm_im()`` from using callable parameters.
- Updates the default ``Sim`` string representation to be a single line; the more verbose version is available via ``sim.disp()``.
- *GitHub info*: PR `581 <>`_


- Adds two new common-random-number-safe networks. The first is an Erdős-Rényi network that is similar to ``RandomNet`` but parameterized differently. The second is a 2D spatial network with connectivity between agents within a given radius; these agents can also optionally move.
- *GitHub info*: PR `575 <>`_


- Added a ``ss.histogram()`` distribution, which allows generating new random values from an empirical histogram.
- When binned age data is provided to specify the initial ages for new agents, the ages are now distributed throughout the year/bin rather than new agents being assigned integer ages
- Initial age data is now accepted as a ``pd.Series`` rather than a ``pd.DataFrame`` where the index corresponds to the age values, thereby avoiding the need for specific dataframe column names to be used to specify the age and value
- *GitHub info*: PR `572 <>`_

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