
Latest version: v2.3.2

Safety actively analyzes 665704 Python packages for vulnerabilities to keep your Python projects secure.

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* Update GitHub workflows
* Add explicit support for python 3.11, 3.12 and 3.13 and drop python 3.7
* Add explicit support for python 3.10 and drop python 3.6
* Pin third party GitHub actions to SHA and update GitHub actions


The is a patch release:

* Clarify tested version on MacOSX (10.14.6 to 11.5.1).
* Improve setting testing on CI.
* Fix links to images in `README.rst` file following renaming the `master`
branch to `main`.


This is a minor release:

* Move CI to GitHub Actions and add releasing guide
* Add support for space in path


This is a minor release:

* Improve documentation (README.rst).
* Add test suite on Linux and Windows, setup Travis and Appveyor.
* Add support for Nemo file manager (Linux/Cinnamon).
* Add support for Caja file manager (Linux/MATE).
* Add option to select a specific file manager (Linux).
* Remove unnecessary dependencies.
* Add support for Dolphin file manager (Linux/KDE).


This is a minor release:

* Add support for MacOSX.
* Fix path to python for running scripts on gnome.


This is a major release changing the API:

* Merge installation and removal command into one single commands
``start_jupyter_cm`` that takes a ``--remove`` argument.
* Add test suite and continuous integration in travis and appveyor.

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