What's Changed
* Move properties to end of class implementations by andersonfrailey in https://github.com/andersonfrailey/statstables/pull/7
* Add optional headers and footers to HTML and ASCII tables by andersonfrailey in https://github.com/andersonfrailey/statstables/pull/8
* Tweak rendering by andersonfrailey in https://github.com/andersonfrailey/statstables/pull/9
* Minor Fixes by andersonfrailey in https://github.com/andersonfrailey/statstables/pull/10. Adds multicolumns to ASCII tables, fixes default latex line location, removes unneeded underlining.
* Bump version, fix ascii render spacing by andersonfrailey in https://github.com/andersonfrailey/statstables/pull/11. Fixes how ASCII render handles custom columns
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/andersonfrailey/statstables/compare/0.0.11...0.012